Haikyuu is one of the most popular shonen sports manga series. It is penned by Haruichi Furudate and follows the story of a volleyball player Hinata Shoyo and his team Karasuno High. The first season of its anime adaption began airing on April 6, 2014, and yesterday, its fourth season ended with the first cour.
Now, everyone setting their eyes on the new season or second half of season 4 and asking about is the release date. Let’s discuss everything we know about Haikyuu Season 5 or To The Top 2.
Haikyuu Season 5: To The Top 2 Plot
Haikyuu Season 4: To The Top began with Youth Training camp where we saw Kageyama meeting some fearsome national level players. On the other hand, Hinata sneaked into Shiratorizawa’s training camp, where only Tsukishima was invited. He served there a ball boy there but learned a lot there.
After the camp, Karasuno High began its national run with a win over Tsubakihara on Day 1. With the hope of facing Nekoma high on the third day, Karasuno began their second day against Inarizaki, the second-best team of the tournament having a formidable duo- Miyu Otsumi and Miya Osamu. The season ended with Miyu Ostumi giving child shivers to Karasuno with his first serve.
Haikyuu Season 5 or To The Top part 2 episode 1 will begin with Karasuno facing trouble in the form of Miyu brothers and their ace Aran Ojiro.
Haikyuu Season 5: To The Top 2 Release Date, Episode Counts
Haikyuu Season 5: To The Top 2 is going to air during Summers, i.e., July 2020, and it will have 13 episodes. Production I.G has announced its return with the same cast.
Season 4 has gained a lot of popularity with a rating of 8.6/10 on MyAnimelist, and now everyone is eagerly waiting for season 5. Manga readers would be familiar with what is going to happen, but if you haven’t read the manga, then wait for the next season. It is going to be a fun ride for you.