Grey’s Anatomy follows the story of surgical interns, residents, fellows, and all about their life, how they are facing hardship and difficulties in their career they have chosen for themselves. This show has now become the symbol of the long-running and successful medical drama in our times. It is the 16th season, and it has a bunch of medical professionals at the Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital, where they juggle their personal and professional lives.
Life gives us so many reasons to love it and enjoy it. This series is all about struggles and problems in once life and how to get through it.
Grey’s Anatomy Season 16 Episode 21 Release Date::
The 21st episode of this season is scheduled to air on 9th April 2020. The title is officially named “Put on a Happy Face,” and also this episode is returning after one week from the previous episode. Every Thursday and Friday, a new episode is released.
To watch the series, you can visit ABC’ channel official website::: or MOBILE APP:: ABC -live TV and full episode. This series is also available on Netflix and Amazon prime videos.
In the upcoming episode, we will see that Amelia is pregnant, and in this condition also she is taking so much burden on herself. So this does not seem right to Like, and he asks her and tries to convince her. He says being the final stage of your pregnancy; she should take it easy and take care. On the other side, Owen is seen discovering something which turns out to be a complete shock for him. And Hayes asks Meredith some real surprising questions.
Stay tuned!!