Now surely Batman and his allies are associated with the color Black. It is their signature color as it helps them blend in the night. This Black color looks good when the developers are portraying the night in Gotham City. This however does not translate well into a complete pitch Black Screen. To see nothing, not even Batman or the night sky. Just complete Black. This is exactly what we will be discussing precisely today. As we have discussed in our past articles too, there are some problems with practically all games that grace our PC, mobile, and TV screens. All we have to do is look for a viable solution. This is why let us dive into how to fix the Black Screen Issue in Gotham Knights.
Gotham Knights is not like the previous games that the players may be familiar with. It does not operate in the helm of a single-player mode, like the Arkham games. Yes, surely there is solving mysteries in the style of a detective, and yes there is a fluent combat style to fight crime, but this time it is something new. The villains are not what they used to be. You will not find some punks on the street robbing banks mindlessly. Instead, you might encounter smart enemies, even more so than you. Luckily you will have your friends to help you out. What your friends will not be able to help you out with is the Black Screen that you might encounter either at the start or afterward in the game. Let us see how to tackle this issue.
Gotham Knights Black Screen Issue: How to fix it
It may be frustrating to see a Black Screen blocking your way and stopping you from saving Gotham. Luckily, we have some solutions to save you and your time. Follow these methods below and you should be good to go:
Set a higher graphics resolution
Sometimes your game would work just fine when you listen to the problem carefully. Your Black Screen may be caused by poor resolution. To solve it, just pump up the resolution of the game to 1080p or higher. After doing this, relaunch your game. The problem should go away.
Verify game integrity
Sometimes your game file may be suffering from something corrupt inside it. It may be technical or generic. We do not know for sure. This is why make sure you check the game’s integrity by going to Steam > Library > Gotham Knights> Properties> Local Files > Verify Integrity of Game Files.
Run the game on a single monitor
If you are using multiple monitors while playing the game instead of just a single monitor, try not doing so. Sometimes the use of multiple monitors may prove heavy for the game and it shows errors. Make sure to run the game on a single monitor.
Disable overlay for Discord
You may want to disable the overlay for discord. To do this go to the Discord menu on the left. Then scroll down until you find App settings. From there click on Overlay, and from here, click on Enable in-game Overlay. Then you should disable or toggle it off.
Update your GPU Driver/Graphics provider
Sometimes your game, like the one Gotham Knights, might be showing a Black Screen because your GPU drivers are not up to date. This forces poor graphics to be displayed or even the Black Screen showcasing altogether. Kindly update your GPU drivers.
Disable overlay for Steam
To do this for your game and possibly solve your issue go to the Steam Client and go to Settings/Preferences. From there, go to the in-game tab and find the Enable Steam overlay option. Now, leave the box unchecked.
Disable overlay for Geforce
This is one of the methods which will be most useful for Nvidia users. To do this, simply open the Geforce Experience settings. From there, disable Overlay. This should help you fix the error. Also, make sure other overlay apps are also disabled like Discord, Steam, etc.
Update your game
At times what happens is that you get so engaged in the game that you play it over and over without really caring about updates. Then you encounter problems like the Black Screen issue. To solve it sometimes, all your game needs is an update. Try doing it.
Restart your game/ PC
There are times when your game is fully updated but there are some other problems going on on the inside of either your PC or your game’s server. This may make the game showcase different things to communicate its plea. The Black Screen may simply be indicative of your game or PC demanding a reboot. Restart both your game and your PC to solve the issue.
Lower the image quality
To do this, simply go to Video settings in Gotham Knights and lower the Video quality settings. This is because sometimes a higher video quality proves too much load for your game and it results in errors like the Black Screen issue. Try following this method.
To conclude, this was our article on how to fix the Black Screen issue in Gotham Knights. Hope you liked it. Keep following Digistatement for more.