Running low on gold in Foundation? Whether you’re struggling to keep your treasury afloat or just want to speed up your village’s growth, making money efficiently is key to building a thriving medieval town. Luckily, there are plenty of ways to boost your income. That said, if you’re looking to fill your coffers fast, here’s how to turn your humble settlement into a gold-making machine in Foundation.
Gold is the lifeblood of your village, funding everything from new buildings to army maintenance. But in Foundation, money doesn’t just roll in on its own. You need a solid strategy to keep things running smoothly. So, if you’re looking to optimize your economy, let’s break down the best strategies to make money fast.
Foundation Game: How to Make Money Fast
Without any further ado, here’s a detailed breakdown of the best strategies to make money quickly in the game.
Set Up Lumber Camps and Sawmills for Early Trade
At the start of the game, one of the fastest ways to generate income is by producing and selling planks. To do this, first, build a Lumber Camp and assign villagers to collect logs. Next, construct a sawmill, where logs can be turned into planks. Make sure the sawmill is staffed to maintain a steady flow of production. Once you start producing planks, they can be sold through trade routes, making them a valuable early-game resource for generating money.
Unlock Trade Routes to Start Selling Resources
Trade is a crucial way to generate consistent income. To unlock trade routes, you first need Labor Influence, which can be gained by constructing the Great Hall in your Manor House. Once you have enough influence, open the Royal Book (press Tab or use the top menu) and navigate to the Trade Routes Tab. Unlock the Northbury trade route with coins, and then use Labor Influence to unlock Trotbury. Once these routes are open, go to the Resources Tab and set up trade by selling excess goods like Planks, Fish, or Polished Stones.
Optimize Trade Settings to Maximize Profit
When trading, it’s important to manage your resources efficiently. Use the sell threshold setting to ensure you keep a reserve of essential goods while selling off the excess. For example, if you want to maintain at least 40 Planks for construction, set the trade rule to only sell planks when you have more than 40 in storage. Be sure to check which trade partners buy high-value goods and prioritize selling to them for maximum profit.
Establish a Tax Collection System
To do this, build a Manor House and add a Tax Office Extension. Assign a Tax Collector to start gathering taxes from villagers. Then, open the Royal Book, Taxation Tab, where you can adjust tax rates. However, be careful, as raising taxes too high can lower villagers’ happiness, which may lead to people leaving your town.
Impose Levies for Instant Gold (Use Sparingly)
If you’re in desperate need of money, you can impose Levies to get an instant gold boost. To do this, click the Mandates Button at the top of the screen and select the option to discuss and impose a levy on your villagers. The amount of gold you receive depends on your population and the level of your citizens. However, imposing levies comes with a -30% Happiness penalty, so it should only be used occasionally.
That should clear your doubts about making money fast in Foundation. We hope this guide has been helpful. Stay in touch with DigiStatement for more daily reads like this on the latest games. Speaking of Foundation, click here to find out how to fix the issue where your builders may refuse to work on your projects in the game.