Dragon Ball Super has been a long-running anime where powerful warriors, extraordinary battles, and epic adventures unfold. Within this realm, the Dragon Ball Super Card Game Fusion World emerges as an exciting extension, offering fans and players an immersive card-playing experience. With the release of the game approaching, the excitement for this game continues to grow, and there’s a burgeoning curiosity among future players eager to delve into the intricacies of the Dragon Ball Super Card Game Fusion World. That being said, in this article, we will go through the game’s diverse card types so that you have some prior knowledge and possibly have an edge over your opponents in the game.
Since this is essentially a card game, understanding the diverse card types becomes paramount. As players engage in thrilling matches, the composition of their decks, the adoption of unique strategies, and the careful selection of cards play pivotal roles in securing victory. Therefore, in this strategic card game, having some basic knowledge of the various card types is undeniably advantageous. So, without further ado, let us go through the different card types that contribute to the dynamic and strategic gameplay of Dragon Ball Super Card Game Fusion World.
Dragon Ball Super Card Game Fusion World Card Types Explained
Deck building in Dragon Ball Super Card Game Fusion World involves assembling a combination of leader, battle, and extra cards to create a powerful and synergistic deck. The choice of cards and the overall strategy behind the deck contribute significantly to a player’s success. Check below for a breakdown of these card types, one at a time!
Leader Cards
Leader cards serve as the central figures in Dragon Ball Super Card Game Fusion World, representing iconic characters from the Dragon Ball universe. Each player uses one Leader card, and these cards play a pivotal role in battles throughout the game. Here are their attributes:
- Leader cards are categorized by color, such as red or blue.
- They possess unique Awaken Skills, providing players with strategic options to navigate challenging situations.
- Awakened Leaders often gain increased power and unlock mighty skills, amplifying their impact on the game.
Battle Cards
Battle cards constitute the core of a player’s deck, with each deck typically consisting of 50 to 60 battle cards. These cards are primarily used for attacking and activating various skills during the game.
- Like Leader cards, battle cards are divided by color, aligning with the player’s chosen leader.
- They contribute to the power of the leader during battles.
- Battle cards may have on-play skills, triggered when the card is played, and other abilities that influence gameplay.
Extra Cards
Extra cards are single-use cards that can activate powerful skills, providing valuable support to the player during the game. These cards often assist the leader card or battle cards in various ways.
- Extra cards are versatile and can turn the tide of battle with their impactful effects.
- They are typically played strategically, as they are single-use and discarded after activation.
- Extra cards offer diverse utility, from defensive maneuvers to offensive boosts, enhancing the overall strategic depth of the game.
Combo Strategy
Players can utilize a combo system during battles, enhancing their leader’s or battle cards’ power.
After declaring an attack, players can use cards in combos, drawing from their hands or active battle cards, to provide a significant power boost. Victory in Dragon Ball Super Card Game Fusion World is achieved by reducing the opponent’s life to zero or depleting their deck to zero cards.
Now, you have a proper understanding of all the different types of cards that you are going to encounter in Dragon Ball Super Card Game Fusion World. Anyway, that’s all for this guide. And, for all your other gaming-related queries, make sure to visit DigiStatement first. Read more: Jujutsu Kaisen Cursed Clash Save File Location: Where is it