Control is a supernatural action-adventure video game that takes place entirely inside the fictional Federal Bureau of Control, which prevents otherworldly threats from passing into the rest of the world. The player controls Jesse Faden, the new director of the Federal Bureau of Control and must deal with the entities called the Hiss, which has passed through and distorted reality. In this article, we will be taking a look at the possibility of a sequel, presumably titled Control 2 being developed and when it could be coming out. Right, let’s get into it.
Remedy Entertainment’s 2019 released Control was nominated for several game of the year awards due to its brilliant storyline and the way that each strand of the plot was developed so delicately. The game even had two expansion packs added onto it, namely the Foundation, and AWE. Both these expansion packs as well as the point where the core game left off has provided plenty of room to work with for a potential Control 2.
The second expansion pack, AWE, is especially interesting when talking about the sequel to Control because it confirms that Remedy Entertainment’s 2010 title named Alan Wake exists in the same universe as Control. Jesse visits Bright Falls in this expansion pack and even meets a worn-out version of Alan Wake, who seems to suggest that just as he created the events of the game by writing a novel he does not remember writing, he may have also created… Jesse herself. There is definitely heaps of exploration still left to be done with Alan Wake and Jesse’s stories, perfect for Control 2.
Control was Remedy Entertainment’s first release since their IPO (initial public offering) and their parting of ways with Microsoft. As a result, maintaining a low budget and not allocating excess time to the development of the game was critical for Remedy Entertainment. While Alan Wake took the entirety of seven years to develop, Control was completed in three years and had a budget of around 30 million Great British Pounds, which is on the lower end of any AAA game. Assuming Remedy now has a little more resources and time to work with due to the global success of Control, we could expect Control 2 to come out around 2024 or early 2025.
Recently, Remedy Entertainment announced a collaboration with 505 games for publishing and developing a Control spinoff currently codenamed Condor, which will feature upto 4 player PvE gameplay. In the same announcement, Remedy quietly sneaked in the news that this collaboration will also develop a high budget game to expand the Control franchise, meaning we pretty much have confirmation that Control 2 is going to start development soon! We can’t wait.
We hope you enjoyed this coverage of the potential sequel to Control. Make sure to check out our articles on SnowRunner 2, the potential Shang-Chi game, and the leaked info about Demon Slayer Hinokami Chronicles. Cheers!