One of the most common issues when playing the Elden Ring co-op mode is connection error. Likewise, this is a major issue that can render the game unplayable. Therefore, knowing how to resolve the issue is important. This article is therefore regarding some fixes as well as workarounds for connection error in Elden ring Coop mode.
Connection Error in Elden ring Coop mode: Fixes & Workarounds –
Check your Internet Connection –
The error usually occurs in the game when you have a poor internet connection. Likewise, the game requires a stable connection to the server. This is necessary especially for the co-op mode of the game. The game has to have a stable as well as a speedy internet connection to ensure a smooth experience. Therefore, it is important to check your internet connection before starting the co-op mode. You can also switch to a LAN cable for a more stable internet connection.
Make sure the servers are active –
Elden Ring is a very popular new game. Therefore, many players are actively playing the game. Players are connecting to the game’s servers, especially when playing the co-op mode. Likewise, the game’s servers are consistently under heavy load due to the popularity of the game. Consequently, you may be facing the connection error mainly due to the server having issues. Thus, you can make sure that the game’s servers are up and running by following the game’s official Twitter here.
Disable Voice Chat in the game –
Sometimes the voice chat of the game may be the reason for your connection error. Likewise, this is usually the case when you have a poor internet connection. Therefore, you may be able to resolve the error by disabling the voice chat in the game. You can do this by following the steps below:
- Firstly, you have to go to the game’s main menu.
- Next up, you have to go to the game’s Settings.
- Then, you have to go to the Network tab of the Settings Menu.
- Finally, you have to select the voice chat option and disable it.
Change your DNS settings –
The DNS settings of your system can be the reason for the error. Therefore, you can change the DNS settings in order to resolve the connection error when playing co-op mode.
You can change the DNS settings on different platforms by following the steps below:
For PS4:
- Firstly, you have to open the PlayStation main menu and go to Settings.
- Next up, you have to select Network Settings, Internet Connection Settings, and go into Custom.
- Now, you can select LAN for cable or Wi-Fi option for Wireless connection.
- Then, you have to select Custom and change your IP Address Settings to Automatic.
- You can now select Do not specify for the DHCP hostname and select Manual for DNS settings.
- Finally, you can enter the primary and secondary DNS as and respectively. Then, select Automatic for MTU settings, and Do not use the Proxy server. After doing so, you can restart the console.
For PS5:
- Firstly, you have to go to the Home Screen and go to Settings.
- Next up, you have to select Network, Settings, and Set Up Internet Connection.
- Then, you have to select the Set Up Manually option, Wi-Fi or LAN, and go to DNS Settings.
- Finally, you can enter Primary DNS as and enter Secondary DNS as before restarting the console.
For Xbox One:
- Firstly, you have to press the Xbox button and go to Settings.
- Next up, select All Settings, Network, Advanced Settings, and go to DNS Settings.
- Then, you have to go into Manual and enter the Primary DNS as while you enter Secondary DNS as respectively.
- Finally, you can restart your console.
For Xbox Series X/S:
- Firstly, you have to go to Configuration.
- Next, you have to go into General, Network Configuration, Advanced Settings, and go into DNS Settings.
- Then, you have to select Manual and enter Primary DNS as while you enter Secondary DNS as respectively.
For PC:
- First and foremost, you have to press the Windows Key + I to open the Windows Settings.
- Next up, you have to select Network & Internet.
- Then, you have to click on the Change adapter options and select the network.
- You can now right-click on the network to bring up options. Then, you have to select Properties and select Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)
- Now, you can go to properties and toggle the use of the following DNS server addresses – and respectively.
This was an article regarding some fixes as well as workarounds for Connection Error in Elden ring Coop mode. You can always keep up-to-date with Digistatement for the latest game news as well as guides.