Simulation games enable players to live their lives beyond restrictions. Restrictions come in all forms. From work restrictions to the current restrictions levied upon most of the world, due to the global pandemic. Bitlife is one such simulation game. In this article, we will talk about the Bitlife experienced an error processing your transaction and everything you need to know in order to fix this yourself. Let’s dive right in:
BitLife: Life Simulator or just BitLife, is a text-based simulator video game that was originally developed for iOS by developer Candywriter. The game uses a text-based format while maintaining better playability for the players. The objective of the game is to enjoy life without restrictions, accompanied by hilarious situations and cartoons to go along with them.
The game incorporates several aspects of the real world. From diverse nationalities to royalty. You can accomplish a lot, adopt, have a career, play mini-games, buy accessories, and so much more. Simulation games have been a place of comfort for players across the world in these trying times. BitLife is one such instance, where you can play the game at the tip of your fingers.
Bitlife experienced an error processing your transaction
Errors are bad to deal with, no doubt. However, errors that occur when you spend your hard-earned money on the game have a different level of frustration to them. Are you dealing with the Bitlife experienced an error processing your transaction error? You have come to the right place. Here are some steps you can follow to fix this error:
- Sign out of your Apple ID or Google Play Services ID and then sign back in and try again
- Close the app completely, relaunch BitLife, and then try again
- Check your respective payment method for funds. Make sure you have sufficient funds for the transactions
- If the steps mentioned above don’t work, the next step is to contact Apple or Google directly for assistance
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