AMD’s last batch of new graphics didn’t impress the audience with their design or its performance. But, AMD is coming back with Radeon RX 6000 which maybe AMD’s fierce reply to its rival NVIDIA. Yesterday, Radeon RX on its twitter account posted a tweet saying, “Take a first look at the design of the new Radeon RX 6000 series. Our upcoming @AMD#RDNA2 graphics cards will feature a brand new cooler design, and you can study every angle yourself on our Fortnite Creative Island. 8651-9841-1639”.
Take a first look at the design of the new Radeon RX 6000 series. Our upcoming @AMD #RDNA2 graphics cards will feature a brand new cooler design, and you can study every angle yourself on our Fortnite Creative Island. 8651-9841-1639.
— Radeon RX (@Radeon) September 14, 2020
The Radeon RX 6000, looks better and improved than it’s previous high-end card Radeon VII, too.
AMD is allowing you to check out the full HD image of its upcoming graphics card and we have also some reports about the specifications of the graphics card.
This new model is likely to use the “Big Navi GPU” which includes RDNA2 architecture.
The graphics card comes with a dual-slot design with three important fans. Many reports also claim that the card will feature up to two 8-pin power connectors. These configurations help the card to get 375W power. AMD hasn’t confirmed naming the upcoming Navi 2X SKUs, but it is easy to guess that is more likely to be named as, Radeon RX 6900X. And also, this is the first graphics card that will come with a Radeon logo. The graphics card comes with 4 display connectors: 2 DisplayPort, 1 HDMI, and another one USB Type-C.
AMD may release this card in the event which will be hosted on October 28th. If you are planning to buy a $700 Nvidia RTX 3080 or a $500 RTX 3070, which is also planned in October. I’ll recommend that it is worth waiting for this card to see what kind of performance AMD has in its mind for us. The new GPU will come with the same GPU architecture as it was in the PS5 and Xbox Series S and X.
Let us know your thoughts on this card and also we don’t ask you to pay for comment. It’s free ;). Take care!