Aragami 2 is a sequel to the action-adventure platformer game from Lince Works, Aragami. It is a straight follow-up to the original. It was released on September 17, 2021. The game is available on various platforms including PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and also on Windows PC. Likewise, the game is a sequel to an excellent indie action platformer game. The first game was a very popular indie hit. Players who enjoy more of the action platformer genre of games should definitely check this game out.
The Story Behind Aragami 2
Aragami 2 is set in a war-torn fantasy pseudo-Japanese land known as Rashomon. Aragami 2 puts the player in the role of an assassin who belongs to a feudal clan. The story picks up from there as the player and his clan members try to save the Kurotsuba clan. The player has to fight off the enemy clans who bring death and disease. The feudal rival clan is the antagonist known as the Akatsuki clan. The antagonistic clan strives and also kills as they want to wipe the player’s clan from the land. The existence of feuding clans creates an atmosphere of dread in the game. Despite Aragami 2 main focus on action-adventure and combat, the main plotline is able to weave an interesting story. The main story is one involving themes of spiritualism, which is very popular in Japanese culture.
Criticisms to the Story of Aragami 2
The main storyline in Aragami 2 attempts to build on the story of the first one about the Ninja clans. The storytelling in Aragami 2 structures a plot involving and also intertwining different characters, clan battles and also includes spiritualism. However, the story received criticism for its length as it drags for 14+ hours. Likewise, the long duration of the storyline never really builds to something major or fantastic.
Coming to the main topic at hand, Aragami 2 is an excellent new entry to an action-adventure platformer game. It is a great indie game. While the game is available on various platforms, the game is currently unavailable for Mac OS and Linux.
Aragami 2 Release Date for Mac OS and Linux
One of the developers behind Aragami 2 recently responded to some player’s questions on the Steam Community Page. According to the reply, there is a chance that the game releases for Mac OS and Linux in the near future. Even though it is not worth the trouble in making the game available on Mac OS and also on Linux due to the lesser amount of player base on the platforms, with the release of the game and also the release of the fixes. There is a chance that the game comes out for Mac OS and Linux in the future.