Getter Robo arc is the third installment to the original Getter Robo series. The first getter Robo series was a ground-breaking series in the mecha genre. It was the first series that introduced the combining of separate machines to form a super robot. This idea of combining proved to be a very powerful concept that made this series very popular.
In the Getter Robo series there were shown three teenagers: Ryoma Nagare, Hayato Jin, and Musashi Tomoe, these three teenagers piloted three different jets which combine to form getter. These teenagers were assembled by prof. Satoma for a project of deep space exploration. The energy source mentioned in the series is the getter rays, which is connected to the pilot’s willpower.
Instead of that project, the getter becomes earth’s first line of defence against the dinosaur empire. Which is referred to as a society of reptile-like humanoids that have been evolved from the dinosaurs. They have lived for a lot of years underground and now they want to reclaim the earth and destroy all humanity.
The Getter Robo Arc
The Getter Robo arc constitutes a 3-volume manga that takes place in a post-apocalyptic environment. In this series, Ryoma’s only son Takuma joins the human-dinosaur hybrid Baku Yamagishi. They aboard the Getter Robo Arc to fight off the insect-like creature of the Andromeda flow country.
Unfortunately, the magazine in which Getter Robo Arc was published i.e., super robot comic was canceled, and the story ended before the expected time but on 2 Nov.2020 an anime adaptation was announced which will be produced by bee media with Jun Kawagoe as director.
After airing the first episode of this series on 4 July 2021, there is a sudden increase in popularity of this series and as we already have a PlayStation game titled “Getter Robo Daikessen“, we can expect a game that can be a sequel to the previous game or a whole new game.
As there is no official news about it and the series has just begun.
The probability of coming a game is in the year 2024 or later so fans have to wait till then.