If you are here then that means you’ve got an error and you want to know how to fix it! Well, don’t you worry because we here at Digistatement have got you covered! In this article, I will tell you about the error code 3-0x30081 and How to fix Rainbow six siege error code 3-0x30081?
Rainbow Six Siege
Siege or Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege is a first-person multiplayer shooter game. It is a really popular shooter game with a good critics rating and an even better player rating at 9/10 on Steam. The game is available on all modern gaming systems out there. At first, R6 was only available for PS4, Xbox One, Microsoft Windows but now it is available for PS5 and Xbox Series X|S as well. This is not to say that the game is perfect. Siege has its fair share of errors. I am here to tell you about the fixes to the error.
Error code 3-0x30081
The error message you are faced with is this:
Rainbow Six Siege server connection error
The Rainbow Six Siege servers are unreachable.
Please try again later.
For more information, contact http://support.ubisoft.com
Rainbow Six Siege error code: [3-0x00030081]
How to fix it?
This is a network error that has a simple and easy solution. Like all the other network error solutions this one also follows the same steps :
- Reset your Router
- Restart your system
- Switch to a wired connection if you’re using wifi
- Change DNS server
- Change the frequency of your router
- If none of the above works, try contacting Ubisoft support.
Hope this article helped! For more articles on Rainbow Six Siege Error fixes you can click here.