ThriftBooks was launched in the year 2003. It was introduced with a pick-up truck of used books stashed in the storage unit. They listed books solely on Their first sold book was the popular children’s classic, Charlotte’s Web by E.B. White. In the last few years, they have added regional processing centers around the country. They also have hundreds of employees. They have built their processes to purchase, grade, and distribute used and rare or collectible books.
ThriftBooks is popular as the largest online independent bookseller in the world. It operates with state-of-the-art automation and advanced analytics in a safety-first environment. The primary customer web and mobile destination of the website is their brand home, ThriftBooks has continued selling on Amazon, eBay, Abe, and other e-commerce sites where book lovers gather.
They hand grade every book in their inventory. ThriftBooks provides books in various formats and conditions for their customers. They pride themselves in their wide assortment of quality used, accurately graded books offered to their customers at everyday low prices.
Customer reactions have been positive towards this website. Users said that the books delivered by ThriftBooks are of the best quality. Even if you get them less than good, they appear better than most of the books that you can find in second-hand shops. A user said that he found some cracking on the spine but it did not affect the binding of the pages. Users said that the site is accurate in terms of condition rankings. The shipping service is a bit slow but the quality of the customer service has been ranked as the best.
Users said that they never had a bad experience with ThriftBooks. One user said that he ordered a few hardcover books for his wedding centerpieces. When he received paperbacks instead of that, he received a full refund. The user was also allowed to keep the books he received by mistake. Users are of the opinion that if you don’t need a book urgently, then ThriftBooks is the best choice for you.
Overall, I can say for sure that ThriftBooks is a completely legit website. There have been situations where we found the price of a book very costly in any offline store. In this situation, you can use ThriftBooks to purchase your choice of books at the best price.