Pokemon Go Buddy Adventure feature has rolled out a bit early than what Niantic promised in an official blog post. Well, now the new feature is live in the game and players are looking to increase the Buddy level.
Players can become better friends with your buddy by earning affection. Affection is measured by hearts, and you can earn hearts with your buddy by exploring with your buddy on the map, battling with your buddy, playing with and feeding your buddy, and taking snapshots of your buddy. The more affection you earn, the better your buddy’s mood will be!
When you reach the highest mood (excited), you can unlock the following Perks:
- The distance it takes for your buddy to find Candy will be cut in half.
- The number of hearts earned per action will double.
- Trainers can earn bonus hearts!
Buddy Mood
Buddy Happiness Level | Point Required |
Level 1 | 1 Point |
Level 2 | 2 Points |
Level 3 | 4 Points |
Level 4 | 8 Points |
Level 5 | 16 Points |
Level 6 | 32 Points |
Buddy Level
Level | Affection Points Needed | Effect |
Good Buddy | 1 | You buddy appears on the overworld map |
Great Buddy | 71 | Sometimes will appear in Wild Encounters May find items |
Ultra Buddy | 221 | Will sometimes let you know about interesting areas nearby May find Souvenirs |
Best Buddy | 521 | Gains Best Buddy Ribbon CP Boost while assigned as Buddy Pokémon |
Types of Buddy Activities:
Walk together – Walk around with a Pokémon set as your buddy on the Map. Your buddy will only appear on the Map when its hunger meter is full, and will remain on the Map until the hunger meter is fully depleted.
Give your buddy a treat – Feed your buddy a Berry or Poffin in AR or Quick Treat mode. Feeding your buddy fills up their hunger meter. The hunger meter
appears at the top of the screen in AR and Quick Treat modes and indicates how much your buddy needs to eat before it appears on the Map with you. When your buddy’s hunger meter fills up, you will receive an Affection heart. If you feed your buddy a Poffin, you will automatically earn the maximum daily number of Affection hearts in this category. Your buddy’s hunger meter depletes over time, so feed them periodically to keep it from depleting!
Play together – Tap your buddy in AR mode and pet them with your finger for a few seconds until you see them spin and jump with delight.
Battle together – Engage in a Gym, Raid, Team GO Rocket, or Trainer Battle with your buddy.
Take a snapshot – Take a photo of your buddy in AR mode while playing with your buddy alone or with friends.
Visit a new place – While your buddy is on the Map with you, visit a PokéStop or Gym you’ve never visited before and spin its Photo Disk to earn an Affection heart. PokéStops you haven’t previously visited are surrounded by white rings, which disappear after you spin their Photo Disks.
Bonus – You’ll occasionally see an additional activity called Bonus on the Buddy Profile page. This activity will only be visible upon receiving an Affection heart in this category. You’ll receive a Bonus heart when your buddy gives you a present or Souvenir, or if you visit a PokéStop or Gym that your buddy wants to visit. Presents contain useable items like Berries or Potions, and Souvenirs are collectible items stored on your Buddy Profile screen that serve as reminders of all the places you’ve traveled with your buddy.
Updated Buddy Page
With the upgraded buddy profile page, you’ll see your buddy’s progress toward finding Candy, your buddy’s current mood, a chart of daily activities you can do to earn affection with your buddy, and your Buddy Level!
You’ll also be able to see the history of other Pokémon who have been your buddy and the adventures you’ve shared together.
Items Time Out for Walking with Buddy
Food | Time Out |
3 Razz, Pinap or Nanab Berry | 3 Hours |
2 Golden Razz or Silver Pinap Berry | 3 Hours |
1 Poffin | 6 Hours |
Remember: friendship is something you build together! So be sure to complete the daily activities with your buddy each day to earn more affection and become fast friends!
More info
- Buddy follows you when you a berry ready to go
- You can change your buddy 20 times a day
- Levels 41-45 have less CP gain per level than the levels 31-40. In short: buddy level boost over 40 matters less than you think it does.
- Each segment of your buddies hunger lasts for 30 minutes (3 hours from completely full)
- New “Show Pokémon Ribbon” option in Settings
- Depending on the size, it will either be behind your player, next to it, or even on the player’s shoulder.