Complete Steps to run Osu in your CHROMEBOOK!
Before starting anything, Step Number 0 will be to enable Linux mode in your chromebook. So, here are the steps showing how to Install Linux(beta) on your Chromebook.
How to Install Linux(Beta) on your Chromebook?
- Open your settings.
- Click the hamburger icon in the upper left corner.
- Then click on the Linux (beta).
- Click turn on and install.
- Then the system will automatically install Linux (beta) on it.
Our next step is to open Terminal.
To open Terminal, simply go to the linux apps and click on ‘Terminal’.
Then, in the terminal,
- Type, “sudo apt update“. The terminal will start finding all the updates.
- Then, when terminal shows the results, type, “sudo apt upgrade“.
Note: You have to write these commands in front your chromebook name.
Now to Install Osu! in your Chromebook:
- Click on this Link Here.
- Go to Assets
- Download “osu.Appimage”.
When it is downloaded, copy it from the ‘downloads’ folder and paste it into ‘Linux’ files.
Next step is to open ‘Linux terminal’ again.
Now, in the Terminal:
- Type ‘ls’ and click enter. (This step is optional as it is just to check whether file is present in the linux folder or not)
- Now, type, “sudo apt install libnss3-dev“. After the result of this command is visible to you, type, “y” and then press “Enter”.
- In the third command, type, “sudo chmod a+x osu.AppImage” and hit “Enter”.
- In the fourth command, type, “./osu.AppImage” then hit “Enter”.
Your game will launch. After closing the game, to play this game again you have to re-type all these commands in this Linux Terminal. We have made it easier for you, just do the following steps:
- In the fifth command, type, “sudo apt install menulibre“. After showing result, hit “Enter”, then type “y” and hit “Enter” again.
- Once it is done installing, type, “menulibre” and hit ‘Enter”.
Now, a window of menulibre will pop on the screen. Now, follow the following steps to add “Osu ” in this application.
- Select Games, and click on the “+” icon on the top left corner.
- Now, click on ‘ Add launcher’.
- After this rename this new launcher as “Osu”.
- Then go to the command section (just below the rename section) and click on ‘files’ icon. A new window will open.
- Now, in this window, go to home, select “Osu“, then click ‘OK’.
- Now, click on the ‘Save Launcher’ icon on the top left corner of the window. When you are done, close all the windows.
Now, to Launch ‘Osu’, go to the menu, click on ‘Linux Apps’ and Here it is!
Enjoy Gaming!