For the first time in Dota 2 history, the number of active players declines for the fifth month in a row. Previously, the maximum audience churn period did not exceed four consecutive months. The statistics were noticed by Reddit users.
Since May 2020, the average online in Dota 2 has dropped from 484 thousand to 403 thousand users. The situation is similar with peak online, which is five months fell from 793 thousand to 665 thousand players.
Reddit user:
“This has never happened before. Before that, the maximum decline lasted four months, and now we are looking at a streak of five months, not to mention the fact that the situation may worsen further. This is no good. The average player base of 403K is the lowest since January 2014, when the game was only a few months out of beta. We are now at the lowest level in the last six years. “
Many Dota 2 fans did not see anything unusual in such an audience churn. They pointed out that Valve does not promote the game at all, unlike the developers of other competitive disciplines.
Reddit user:
“No wonder, even HotS and Smite have more ads and more tournaments than this game.”Reddit user:
“I haven’t played Dota 2 for two months. When the Cavern Crawl passed, I realized that I no longer have anything to strive for in the game. Level up the Disco Ball Battle Pass? Well, no, bro. “
The Dota2 developers were also reminded that they could not make matchmaking a comfortable place for players.
Reddit user:
Nothing really surprising. The game has long been outdated, and matchmaking is still a bloody festival of toxicity and smurfs. I know people always whine about the game dying, but this time I really feel like it is. Personally, my interest in Dota 2 has never diminished since I started playing. Valve has to do something special to fix this, but for now it just lets the game slowly wither and die like it did with Team Fortress 2. ““
Most Reddit users agreed that the five-month drop in audience is absolutely “deserved” and if Valve does not urgently intervene, then in the future it will be almost impossible to return people to Dota 2.
Find out how much the Prince of Saudi Arabia invested in the battle pass.
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