Black Clover Chapter 255 Raw Scans Spoilers are out, and they suggest more development in Noelle’s fight against Magicula. In the last chapter, we saw Magicula restrained for a moment from Nero’s seal. Lolopechka thought that she would be free from the curse, but later Magicula was able to nullify Nero’s seal.
Magicula took over Vanica’s half body to have more fun. The devil’s Magic of Falling World repelled every magic effect on it. Magicula moved toward Lolopechka to curse the water spirit. Undine disappears due to loss in Magic power when Magicula moved near Lolopechka. When it was about to kill the princess, Noelle came to rescue and attack the devil with zero distance move. But it looks like it won’t be turned out in Noelle’s favor.
According to Black Chapter 255 Raw Scans Spoilers, Noelle’s move won’t have any effect on the devil.
“I kidnapped your mother’s scandalous hostage back then. Now, am I taking the queen hostage, and will you be outrageous?” Magicula says.
Noelle will surely get provoked after hearing this. It will be interesting to see how Noelle will handle the situation.
Black Clover Chapter 255 is releasing on June 28, 2020.