Trials of Mana was launched as the third installment in the popular Mana series back in 1995 as a sequel to the 1993’s installment – Secret of Mana. Well, the developers Xeen and Square Enix brought the remake version of the popular Trials of Mana which launched on April 24, 2020, globally.
The all-new Trials of Mana is a 3D remake of 1995’s Trials of Mana. The entire game has been fully rebuilt from the ground up with modern 3D graphics. In Trials of Mana, there are six possible protagonists in their respective quests which lead them to obtain the Mana Sword and fight a world-ending threat. Players can choose their favorite protagonist and two companions from six different characters to navigate field environments and fight enemies in real-time combat.
In Trials of Mana, as mentioned above, you get options to choose characters. The selection of the characters is really important in Trials of Mana and it should not be arbitrary.
The story follows six possible protagonists in their respective quests. Every character in Trials of Mana brings a unique ability and playing style. So, it’s really important to know which character will be helpful in a particular situation. Here, we will be telling you how to select the best characters in Trial of Mana.
Trials of Mana Best Starting Characters –
At the start of each quest, you have to select three protagonists and you will be getting six options. The heroes should be chosen carefully, as you won’t get any chance to change your team in between of a quest.
Among the three heroes, one will be your main protagonist, whereas the other two will be companions. The combination of these three selection matters, as in an ideal team in a quest, all three heroes must support each other with their abilities to achieve a goal.
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Coming to the selection part, for your main character, you must select a hero, who is able to deal with severe damage. If you get other abilities with it, well and good, but high damage skills should be a priority.
Priority/Options for Main Protagonist –
- Kevin
- Riesz
- Hawkeye
Kevin, a good damage dealer, with increased damage at night and in one-on-one boss fights.
Riesz gives you the advantage of ranged attacks, hence making the first fight pretty easy.
Hawkeye, an increased item drop rate and excellent debuff skills, but lower damage skills as compared to Kevin and Riesz.
Best Combinations
Among all three members, you got the option of controlling any member of your team. So, the selection of the companions has the same importance.
Best Combination in Trials of Mana –
- Duran and Angela
- Hawkeye and Riesz
- Kevin and Charlotte
Duran absorbs more damage than the characters, and he’s a physical attacker too. So, his companion must be someone who can take advantage of his ability. Angela focuses on Magic Abilities and attacks, whereas her ability to take damage is low.
Hawkeye has got the ability of Debuffer, meaning he has the ability to take away special buffs on enemies and also cancel any adverse effects or buffs on your team and increased chance of loot. Riesz, a Buffer, can activate positive buffs or effects on your side, also has the ability to perform significant attacks.
Talking about the last combination, Kevin and Charlotte. Charlotte, a Healer, keeps the companion team healed when needed, whereas Kevin is a strong single-target physical attacker, useful in boss fights.
So, these are our recommended combinations in the Trials of Mana. Let us know which one you are going to use in the quest.