R.E.P.O. will make you realize what it feels like to grind in a game. It requires patience and meticulous planning to clear every level, but sometimes, even these can be useless if you don’t take the help of the various items that the game offers. After clearing every level, you are transported to the Service Station, which is basically a shop that stores items that you can use to your advantage. There are consumables that can be bought to increase various stats of your character, while there also exist a ton of other items you can purchase to use in some way or another. Well, in this guide, we have shared all the details you need to know about the various drones that are featured in the game. These include the Feather Drone, Indestructible Drone, Roll Drone, Recharge Drone, & No Gravity Drone. So, if you, too, are wondering how to get and use these items, consider reading until the end.
When you visit the Service Station in R.E.P.O., you will find a bunch of items available on the counter that come with a unique price tag. From consumables like Health Packs and Strength Upgrade to items like Gun, Shotgun, Tranq Gun, and Extraction Tracker, there are also drones that spawn randomly in the Service Station. But since these come with a price tag, it is always better to know what each drone does and how they can be used before you make a purchase. So, without further ado, let’s get right into the details.
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R.E.P.O. (REPO) Game: How to Get & Use Feather Drone, Indestructible Drone, Roll Drone, Recharge Drone, & Zero Gravity Drone
Every item in R.E.P.O. is unique and comes with its advantages. This is especially true for drones. Each drone in the game serves a different purpose and can be the difference maker in a variety of situations. That said, you can purchase drones directly via the Service Station, but since their spawn is random, you will have to visit the service station counters after every level to check whether the drone you want has spawned for purchase. Also, these drones can only run for a certain period. If their energy bar drops to zero, they will stop working. Anyway, coming to their uses, here’s what these drones do:
Feather Drone (Price tag: $16K)
The Feather Drone does exactly what its name says. It gives feathers (not literally) to the entity it is used on. Be it an item or your character itself, when the feather drone is active, it gives the effect of being lighter than normal. You can use this drone on valuables to reduce their weight and then carry them to the extraction point if they are too huge or heavy to store on your C.A.R.T. This drone makes transportation easy. You can even use it on your character; the effect will be the same. You can jump higher to escape or reach unreachable places. It can also be used on monsters to make them lighter.
Indestructible Drone (Price tag: 28K)
This drone comes in handy when you find an object that has high value and you don’t want to damage it. When you use this drone on that particular object, the item becomes invincible and doesn’t receive damage even if you throw/drop it. Given the steep price tag, you should use this drone on valuables exceeding $30K in value. And, no, you can’t use it on your character to make it invincible. It works on items only.
Roll Drone (Price tag: $10K)
While we didn’t find much use for this drone, it was still quite fun. This drone allows you to roll more and even kill enemies if they are in your way. If you enable this drone on your character and enter tumble mode (pressing Q), your character starts rolling. This enables you to traverse the in-game world from a different perspective. If you are looking for some fun, feel free to purchase it. This drone can also be latched onto enemies to force them to roll away from you. While its energy bar lowers significantly faster when used on such monsters, it can be a useful purchase in certain scenarios.
Recharge Drone (Price tag: $4K-$5K)
This drone is by far one of the most useful drones in the game. The Recharge Drone can be used on various items, including extraction trackers, guns, melee weapons, and even drones that are already in use. This drone recharges electrical equipment, provides ammo to guns, restores the health of melee weapons, and recharges other drones as well. Given its cheap price tag, it is always wise to keep a bunch of them in your R.E.P.O. truck and use them whenever necessary.
Zero Gravity Drone (Price tag: $24K)
The Zero Gravity Drone works kind of similar to the Feather Drone, but is more flexible. While the Feather Drone makes items lighter, this drone removes gravity completely. So, you can use it on items to make them stick to a certain location in the air, which is not possible for the Feather Drone to replicate. You can also use this drone on your character, basically making them immune to gravity. You can traverse the world faster and even dodge attacks more effectively while in no-gravity mode. It can also be used on monsters to slow them down.
Drone Combos
If you didn’t already know, you can attach multiple drones to your items and then recharge the important drones using the Recharge Drone so that they run a little longer. This strategy can be useful in certain situations, but given that you can only store 3 items in your inventory at a time, you will have to plan accordingly.
How to use drones?
Using these drones is pretty simple. First, pick up the drone by pressing and holding LMB. Now, take the drone close to the object you want to use it on and then press the Interact (E) button. If placed correctly, it will latch onto that object, serving its purpose. If you want the drone to latch onto your character, simply roll your mouse wheel while holding the drone to bring it close to your character and press E. You can also press the RMB button when holding the drone to rotate it.
With that said, now you know all about how to get and use the various drones available in R.E.P.O. We hope that you find this guide informative. If you did, consider visiting DigiStatement for more such interesting reads on all things gaming.