We all know and love Valorant, don’t we? It is quite normal to be stuck in low elos, struggling to cooperate with “that” Reyna, who thinks that they just won the VCT. Not to mention the Smurfs, who, for some reason, always seem to be on the opposing team and never on yours. Still, the game is fun, and for a lot of gamers, Valorant is the go-to FPS title to blow off steam or grind to the top. As you might know, Valorant is a PC-exclusive game. It has been quite some time since the game was globally released, and it is still limited to the PC platform. That brings us to the topic of this article: Is Valorant coming to consoles? Well, we have some insights to share.
Wait! Valorant? On consoles? Running around the map complaining that the joystick isn’t accurate enough while aiming might be the first thing that comes to mind when you picture playing Valorant on a console using a controller. We know that the competitive aspect of the game makes the use of a mouse/keyboard combo imperative, but think about it: Call of Duty and Fortnite are available on multiple platforms, and their competitive scenes seem to be doing just fine. The point is, maybe it is time that Valorant on consoles becomes a reality rather than a far-flung dream. Well, read this article till the end for all the important details on this matter.
Is Valorant coming to Consoles?
So, why are we talking about Valorant being on consoles all of a sudden? Well, recently, there has been smoke coming up from the team at Riot. Players were quick to catch on to this smoke and speculate on a bigger fire rising underneath. What do we mean by this? Well, Riot put a job list online for Valorant, where they are seeking some individuals to hire. So, what’s the big deal? The big deal is the role they have listed for hiring. It was for an “Associate Console Playtest Analyst“. Now, eagle-eyed players were clever enough to read between the lines and decode what it meant. Think about it: why on earth would Riot need a “console” playtest analyst when Valorant is limited to PC at this time? The only possible reason, it seems, is that Riot is looking to test the game on consoles and is hence looking for individuals for the same.
Now, the next logical question to come to your mind will be regarding the release date of Valorant on consoles. On that front, we do not have any information. Although the recent job listing sheds some light on the game’s progress toward being available on consoles, no information or update has been shared by Riot regarding its release on the platforms. For now, the community at large is speculating that a beta test will be available sometime in 2023, but we don’t think it will be live so soon. Of course, these are just speculations and should be taken with a grain of salt unless the developers themselves speak on this matter. We will be updating this article with more information once we fetch it. To not miss those updates, bookmark this page and visit DigiStatement regularly.