In the vast expanse of the planet Adelpha, a long-lost hero emerges from the depths of space and time. Cutter Slade, the brave protagonist of the original Outcast game, has returned to continue his epic journey. Outcast 2: A New Beginning is an upcoming video game that serves as a sequel to the original Outcast game released in 1999. While it’s been more than two decades since the release of the original title, players who had played the game earlier are eager to see what’s in store for them in this sequel. Newcomers to the franchise are also intrigued by the fresh take on the regular sci-fi third-person shooter game. Now the question on everyone’s mind is regarding the release date of the title on PC, PS5, & Xbox Series X/S. That is exactly what we will be covering in this post so read till the end.
The game follows the story of Cutter Slade, the protagonist from the original game, who disappeared in a space-time accident and has now reappeared decades later. The player will once again control the iconic character, exploring a new part of the same planet but with a whole new world to work with. The game is a third-person shooter at its heart with a lot of exploration built into it. The player will be equipped with a jet pack and a new modular weapon that they can upgrade and change over time to fit different needs and different enemies. With that out of the way, let us take a look at the potential release date for the title across different platforms.
Outcast 2 A New Beginning PC, PS5, & Xbox Series X/S Release Date
To begin with, the game was first announced during a THQ Nordic event back in September of 2021. THQ Nordic is the publisher of the game. Later on down the road, another teaser was released in the August of 2022. And that is about it, as of writing this article, there are no official dates or speculation regarding the release date of this title. The game’s official Steam Page also mentions that it is “Coming Soon” without specifying or hinting at any dates. However, based on previous statements from the developers and publishers, it’s possible to assume that the game will be released sometime during Q4 of 2023.
It’s important to note that this is purely speculative and should be taken with a grain of salt until an official announcement is made. And there you have it, a possible window for the release of the game across PC, PS5, & Xbox Series X/S. That brings us to the end of this post. We hope you found it informative. Stay tuned to Digistatement for the latest gaming updates.
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