You can find a number of new pets in Adopt Me. A new pet in the game is the Black Moon Bear. Likewise, each and every new pet has varying values as well as worth. Knowing what a pet’s value or worth is can be very helpful. Most pets that you can find available can be purchased during an event. Otherwise, the only option you have to get it is through trading. If you are wondering about the Adopt Me Black Moon Bear Pet rarity and worth, you have come to the right place.
What is the Black Moon Bear Pet in Adopt Me?
The Black Moon Bear is a rare pet that you can find in Adopt Me. Likewise, this is a pet that was a part of the new pets from the Lunar New Year Event of 2023. This is a rare pet that is quite valuable to obtain. The main way that players can obtain this pet is by opening Moon Bear Box. However, the chances of obtaining it by opening depend upon a fixed rate, which is 60%. Alternatively, players who do not obtain this pet by opening this box can also get it by trading with other players. However, the price-to-value ratio that you can get for it will vary. You can find out more details regarding its value or worth as well as other comparable values to other pets by reading below.
Adopt Me Black Moonbear Pet Rarity & Worth –
Being a rare pet, the Black Moon Bear is very valuable to get in the game. Although it is not the rarest kind of pet that you can get, it is still worth it. You can get this pet for 300 Lanterns (Moon Bear Box) during the New Year Lunar Event of 2023. Otherwise, this pet also has a variable worth when it comes to trading for it with other players. You can find out its relative worth by comparing it to different pets in the game. Here are some of the closest values or worth to the Black Moon Bear Pet when trading –
1) Wooly Mammoth
2) Halloween Blue Scorpion
3) Merhorse
4) Slug
5) Bandicoot
6) Glyptodon
7) Bloodhound
8) Dilophosaurus
9) Red Fox
10) Stegosaurus
This was an article regarding the rarity as well as worth of Black Moon Bear Pet in Adopt Me. You can also check out other articles on the game by following Digistatement.