Apex Legends is one of the most popular Battle Royales on PC right now, despite this, the developers at EA have decided to strain their servers more and bring the game to mobile as well. Apex Legends Mobile is the newest mobile BR experience which was developed to rival the likes of BGMI and PUBG global. The developers at EA being as particular as they are about their games have made it nearly impossible for people to play their game without access or being in a supported location and players that are not in supported locations are all receiving errors on their games. In this article we are going to be taking a look at Apex Legends Mobile error code 214: Fixes & Workarounds.
Apex Legends was officially soft-launched on 7th March 2022 to very selected regions and there was no buzz or hype created by the developers of the game. It is likely they wanted to iron out issues with the game before they released it to all regions and hence they did the soft launch as an extension of the closed beta that they have had going for a few months now.
Apex Legends Mobile error code 214: Fixes & Workarounds.
Apex Legends Mobile Error Code 214 is an update error code. It shows up when the game version does not tally with the latest version publically available. Since there was a soft launch and the developers had a closed beta going on, a lot of players have had the game since their beta days. In order to play the game now, they will all need to update to the latest version of the game or possibly uninstall and reinstall their game. In this article, we will see how to best fix this issue;
1). Try logging in
The first and most initial fix should be to try logging into the game and checking if you can locally update the game.
2). Switch your phone off and turn it back on again
Sometimes switching your phone off and back on will refresh all the apps and the ram and free up resources the game may take to update. It also forces the google play store to refresh and it may register the game version and automatically update it.
3). Uninstall and Reinstall the game;
Uninstalling and Reinstalling the game is always a solid option. This will install the latest version of the game and you will not have this error any longer.
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