Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, the latest title in the Call of Duty franchise, launched globally on 25th October on all major gaming platforms – PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC. Fans all over the world have been waiting for the newest entry since the announcement and expected an all-new experience. Well, the game has succeeded to do so, but the game needed a lot of improvement.
Infinity Ward, the developer team, has taken the suggestions by the community and introduced a number of improvements and fixes in the game. Infinity Ward has been releasing new updates with the latest patch since the launch day bringing in new features and improvements.
TRENDING: [Leaked] Call of Duty Modern Warfare Battle Royale Map, Locations, Perks, Plunder, Gulag, and more
And today, Infinity Ward is rolling out an all-new update to the game. The new update brings patch 1.10 across all the platforms. Well, the update is live and can be downloaded now.
ALSO SEE: 13 New Operators coming to Call of Duty: Modern Warfare | Leaks
The new patch finally kicks Season 1 in Modern Warfare. The new update also brings new operators and weapons. As Activision said that it would be the biggest content update in Call of Duty history. The new update brings not only the new Battle Pass but also updates content in Item Shop, introduces new weapons, new MP maps Crash MP and two new Gunfight maps.
You can check out the official patch notes mentioned below.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 1.10 Update | Patch Notes
- Crash 24/7
- Reinforce
- Added Rammaza and Gun Runner to TDM 20 and DOM 20
- Added night maps to Hardcore TDM, Search and Destroy, Cyber Attack
- Gun Game (available in Private Match)
- Shoot House 24/7
- 2v2 Gunfight Tournament
- Riot Shield:
- Tuning to how the Riot Shield protects against grenades when thrown at the players’ feet
- Reduced explosive damage within certain ranges
- Fixed a bug where the final killcam would appear under the map when a player got stuck by Thermite or Semtex on the lower part of the body
- Fixed an issue where players stuck inside the Infantry Assault Vehicle would not take damage from Thermite
- Fix for a bug where attempting to scroll to the bottom of the Recent Players list could cause the list to read “No Recent Players” and return to the top
- Gunfight (private match): Fixes ‘Win by Two’ setting to end the game properly once the conditions have been met
Missions and Challenges:
The following are now fixed and have had their descriptions updated as needed
- “Close and Personal”
- “Perks of the Job”
- “Bloodthirsty Killer”
- “Destroy Ground Killstreaks” – All player-driven vehicles will count towards this launcher camo challenge
- “Get 50 kills while an enemy UAV is active” – description updated to reflect that the Ghost perk needs to be equipped in order to complete
- Combat Knife challenge descriptions updated
- .357 camo challenge
- Various updates to other camo challenges
- Fix for Officer Challenge completion notifications not appearing on screen
- Improved effectiveness of FMJ on Killstreaks
- Fix for the Cluster Strike dealing damage inconsistently when targeting a VTOL jet
- .357: Buckshot: reduced damage range, reduced effective hip fire damage. Tuned spread adjustments from barrel attachments
- Menu damage stat bar adjustments for miscellaneous LMGs
- Fixed a bug where the informant can be dropped in bad positions/near enemy soldiers in Operation Harbinger
- Added a checkpoint after the third hack on Operation Brimstone
- Fix for a bug where players could become stuck after going into last stand while breaching the trains on Operation Brimstone
- Enemies in white trucks now exit their vehicles
- Leaderboards will no longer display complete gamertags. This should help higher profile leaderboards users from receiving too many invites
- Fixed an issue where players would not be able to mantle while strafing with keyboard and mouse
- Increased the turn-rate when aiming with a tank
- Adjusted the camera orbit turn-rate while driving a vehicle using keyboard and mouse
- The keybind “Vehicle Camera Recenter” is now linked to Melee by default (default on E / Mouse 4) and the re-centering of the camera has been improved
- Improvements for the camera transitions with Free Camera and Aerial Camera
- Added a Killstreak view option when using the Portrait List
- Added arrows under the players when using the Aerial Camera view
- Added a skull icon on the Minimap where players die