After a great run of Promise Neverland season 1, fans are eagerly waiting for the season 2. The anime series adapts the manga and follows the story of Emma, Ray, and Norman, the oldest orphans of Grace Field House. They think that they have a life filled with good food, clean clothes, games, and love of the best mothers in the world, Isabella.
But, one day, they found about Isabella’s dirty work. Isabella was smuggling children to demons of outside while keeping other children in the shadow of lies. After finding that three of them plan to escape along with other children to the outside world by crossing a wall behind the field. At the end of the season, they managed to cross the wall and entered into Demon Forest.
Promise Neverland Season 2 Release Date, Spoilers
Promise Neverland Season 2 will follow the events in the Demon Forest, where the children will search for William Minerva, whose books helped them to escape from the orphanage. In the forest, Demons will pursue them, and it will be interesting to see how Emma, Ray, and Norman will manage to get rid of them.
Promise Neverland aired on January 11, 2019, and ran until March 29,2019. After the last episode, the second season was announced. Look at the trailer below:
According to the announcement, Promise Neverland Season 2 is releasing in October 2020, but the date is yet to be confirmed.
If you can’t wait for season 2, then you can read the manga as it is running in its final arc. As of now, we can hope for a better season.