This year’s WWE game from 2K, titled WWE 2K25, is currently available via Advanced Access if you buy the game’s Deadman or Bloodline Edition. The base version will be debuting on March 14, 2025. Anyway, with players getting advanced access to the game, there is an influx of reports related to issues that they are facing. And how could a WWE game from 2K not feature the infamous slow-motion issue? This tradition has been going on for a long time, and it still continues to persist in the latest release. So, if you are encountering the same as well, this is just the guide you need.
Be it WWE 2K24, 2K23, or previous entries into the series, almost all of them had this slow-motion issue. What happens is that the in-game characters start moving in slow motion, and the game feels extremely sluggish. In an intense wrestling match, encountering this slow-motion problem is the last thing you’d want to experience. That said, in this guide, we have shared some effective workarounds that should get rid of this issue for good. So, without further ado, let’s get right into the details.
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WWE 2K25 Slow Motion Issue: Is there any fix yet
Of course, there is no official fix for this problem. You will need to rely on the player-suggested fixes that have been effective in fixing this issue in previous games. We have shared all the effective ones below:
First, you should try the simple fixes. Begin by closing the game and then shutting down your PC. After this, reboot it, and then launch the game. Now, start a match and then check whether the same slow-motion issue persists. If yes, then try the next workaround.
Disable VSync
For the most part, VSync is to blame for this issue. So it is best that you disable it. How? Simply open the game, go to the Options menu, and then select Graphics Settings. Here, you will be able to find the VSync option. Make sure to disable it and then save the changes. After this, restart the game, and then check if the issue persists.
Limit FPS
FPS is also one of the most likely causes of this issue. If the in-game FPS isn’t set to a particular value, the slow-motion issue can occur. So, to make sure that doesn’t happen, you’ll need to limit the in-game FPS to a certain value. You can’t do this via the in-game Graphics Settings menu. For this, you will need to access the Control Panel of your GPU and then manually set the Maximum FPS setting to 60 or 120. After this, also limit the Refresh Rate of your monitor. To do this, go to Windows Settings>Display>Advanced Display>Choose a refresh rate>60/120. Once done, restart your PC and then launch the game. This should fix the issue for good.
Config File Changes
Tweaking the game’s config file can also fix this issue if you follow the steps mentioned correctly. There is a certain command in the game’s config named “timed_game_update” which has been found to be related to causing the slow-motion issue in the game. So, to disable it, head over to the Documents folder of your PC. Here, find the WWE 2K25 folder and then open it. Now, open the game’s config file using a text editor like Notepad. Once opened, search for the “timed_game_update” parameter. It should be under the [advanced] section. After finding it, change its value to Off and then save the changes. Close the file and then launch the game.
If the issue persists, there’s another thing you can do related to the config file. Simply head over to the same Documents folder of your PC and then open the WWE 2K25 folder. Here, delete the game’s config file. Once deleted, launch the game. A new config file will be generated automatically. If the issue was the result of certain in-game settings, then deleting the config should fix the issue.
Change in-game Resolution Setting
You will also have to make sure that the in-game resolution is set to match the native resolution of your monitor. There is a chance that the resolution mismatch is causing this issue. So, to rule out this possibility, we advise that you adjust the in-game resolution to match the monitor’s. Go to the game’s Graphics Settings menu and then in the Resolution setting, set the default resolution or choose the one that matches your monitor’s. Once done, save the changes and then check whether the slow-motion issue persists. Also, try toggling the Windowed Mode option to check whether turning it off or on fixes the problem.
Run game on dedicated GPU
It is also possible that you are running the game on your system’s integrated GPU, due to which it isn’t getting enough juice to push enough frames, resulting in slow-motion issues. To make sure that the game runs on your system’s dedicated GPU, go to Windows Settings and select the Graphics Settings option. You can also search for Graphics Settings via the Search menu and select the first result. Inside the Graphics Settings menu, find the WWE2k25.exe file or add it by clicking on Browse. Once added, select it, choose Options, and then select High Performance. This will force the game to run on your system’s dedicated GPU, potentially fixing any slow-motion issues.
Update GPU drivers
Finally, it is important to always keep your GPU drivers up-to-date, especially when you are trying a new game out. GPU manufacturers often release new driver updates when new games are released, and installing these updates means you will get better stability when playing. Visit the official Nvidia or AMD website and download the latest drivers for your GPU. After downloading it, install it and then restart your PC. Then, launch the game.
For now, these are the effective workarounds that we recommend you try to get rid of the slow-motion issue in WWE 2K25. We hope that you find this guide informative. If you did, consider visiting DigiStatement regularly for more such interesting reads on all things gaming on a daily basis.