World of Warcraft: Shadowlands November 28 hotfix fixes a number of bugs created by the Shadowlands expansion rollout. This Saturday, November 28, 2020, Blizzard has deployed a patch aimed at improving the quality of play for players of World of Warcraft: Shadowlands by correcting bugs and other problems present in the game.
- Addressed an issue where Soul Rot (Night Fae) could not be used if the Warlock had low health.
- Fixed an issue where Nebulous Diamond (Anima Power) was not triggering Arcane Elk.
- Fixed an issue that could cause players attempting to change Congregation to be treated abnormally as having been part of the desired Congregation before.
Creatures and NPCs
- Stablemaster Vasilica has opened a store in Vice Tomb to help members of the Venthyr Congregation find their lost familiars.
Items and rewards
- The Mistmaker Ocarina trinket now resets its duration if its bonus is already in effect, and the bonus now lasts 15 minutes (down from 5 minutes).
Congregational Campaign
- Addressed an issue where characters who chose to borrow The Thread of Doom could obtain sequel quests starting with The Darkness to come that could no longer be completed.
- Addressed an issue where two Colossal Centurions were visible during The Final Countdown.
- Characters who have borrowed the Thread of Destiny should no longer be offered the SEARCH NOTICE: Key of the Eyes quest since it takes place in a level 60 area.
- Addressed an issue during Ride to the Xylocardium Grove where the Riding Stag would not accept being ridden by players.
- Players logging out during Revendreth’s refuge should no longer be forced to re-run the quest in order to complete it.
- Archivist Fane will now allow those who have pledged allegiance to the Venthyrs to obtain the quest Halls of Atonement: Your Absolution.
- Prince Renathal will now accept the return of the A Cage quest on any occasion when the player is riding a Harnessed Shadow Hound.
The Den
- Addressed an issue where Bréthlun the Marked could be blocked and permanently avoid attacks during the quest The Marked Holds the Key.
Battle for Azeroth
- Addressed an issue where Tyrande could get stuck in combat during the Darkest Night Alliance scenario.
Torment, the Tower of the Damned
- All Soul Ashes that were not picked up from the corpse of defeated enemies will now be sent to the player’s mailbox.
- Increased the spawn rate of Frailbark troublemakers to Sprigganize Me! .
- Fixed an issue where Kléai could be displayed incorrectly during Learning to Fly: A Nice Fall.