If you are wondering about the meaning of the letters “tg” in a game like Rocket League, you have come to the right place. Rocket League is a very popular online multiplayer game. Likewise, the game has a large player base on a variety of platforms. Thus, the online community of the game is also very huge. There are tons of unique terms, phrases, letters, as well as words that are very popular within the game’s online community. Not knowing what all these words mean can become a problem. This article is therefore regarding what tg means in Rocket League.
Going to the main topic of this article, you can find out all the information you need regarding the meaning of the letters “tg” in Rocket League by reading below.
What does tg mean in Rocket League?
The letters “tg” in Rocket League is simply an acronym for different phrases in the game. A very popular phrase that players use the letters as a shorthand for is “too good”. Thus, a player may use the letters after teammate scores a goal or does something spectacular. However, there are also some players who use the letters “tg” to express the phrase “terrible game”. So, a player may also use the letters after a player does something terrible or makes a mistake.
The letters “tg” are sometimes used by players with a positive connotation while at other times, they also use the letters with a negative connotation. These are the two most common expressions of the letters. However, there is also another expression that is somewhat popular within the game’s online community.
The letters may also be an acronym for the French phrase “ta g*eule”. Likewise, it is a phrase that basically means STFU (“Sh*t The F*ck Up”) in English. Well, we know that this is a very negative way of representing the letters, but, you must understand all the different meanings of the letters so that you can counter them.
This was an article regarding what the meaning of the letters “tg” is in Rocket League. You can also check out another article on the game by clicking here.