If you are a player looking for more information regarding the meaning of the phrase “ranked queue” in Halo Infinite, you have come to the right place. Halo Infinite is a very popular first-person shooter as well as a multiplayer game. The game has tons of unique game elements as well as in-game mechanics. Likewise, there are also a wide variety of unique terms, phrases, as well as words that refer to these game elements. This article is therefore regarding what ranked queue means in Halo Infinite.
Going to the main topic of this article, you can find out all the information you need regarding the meaning of the phrase “ranked queue” in Halo Infinite by reading below.
What does ranked queue mean in Halo Infinite?
The phrase “ranked queue” in the game simply refers to the multiplayer ranking process in the game. Likewise, it is a phrase that players use to refer to the multiplayer queue in ranked matches. This is a very common phrase in many online multiplayer games.
The phrase is particularly common in this game mainly because of the brand new Ranked Arena matches. Additionally, the multiplayer section of the game is available for free. This makes multiplayer matches very popular in the game. Thus, most players refer to the multiplayer queue in the game as a “ranked queue”.
An Overview of the Ranked Arena in Halo Infinite
Players in the new game can participate in an open queue or solo/duo queue multiplayer matches. These are brand new adjustments to the multiplayer matches in Halo games. Likewise, the open queue in the game allows players to match up against others with up to 3 other players.
The open queue means that players may face both controllers as well as keyboard and mouse players. On the other hand, the solo/duo queue requires players to select either controller or keyboard and mouse players to match up against. This is very useful mainly because of the discrepancy in the ease of playing with a mouse and keyboard. Additionally, this queue is available only for one or two players.
This was an article regarding the meaning of the phrase “ranked queue” in Halo Infinite. You can also check out another article on the game by clicking here.