If you are looking for information regarding the meaning of the phrase “north by northeast” in Sea of Thieves, you have come to the right place. Sea of Thieves is a game that has tons of unique game elements. Likewise, there are also tons of unique terms as well as phrases that refer to these game elements. Knowing what all these phrases mean can be very useful, especially when trying to understand each game element. This article is therefore regarding what does north by northeast means in Sea of Thieves.
Going to the main topic of this article, you can find out all the information you need regarding the meaning of the phrase “north by northeast” in Sea of Thieves by reading below.
What does north by northeast mean in Sea of Thieves?
The phrase “north by northeast” in the game simply means that the compass in the game points towards the direction between North as well as Northeast. Likewise, it is a unique phrase that is particularly specific to this game. The phrase is common among players when navigating around the map. It is a phrase that players can use to communicate about coordinates in the game. Players can also come about this phrase, especially during the various riddles in the game.
The phrase is a way that players can navigate the game using the North Star. Likewise, players can make use of the compass equipment to navigate around the game’s massive open world. This equipment allows players to determine the direction they are currently facing. Thus, players can find out which coordinates their direction points towards.
Players can also show their compass to other players in the game. There are also tons of unique variations of compasses in the game. Using any of these compasses, players can simply head to any specific coordinates on the map. Players can also purchase compass equipment from the game’s Equipment shop as well as Companies.
This was an article regarding the meaning of the phrase “north by northeast” in Sea of Thieves. You can always keep up-to-date with Digistatement for the latest game news as well as guides.