If you are a new player or even a longtime player looking for information regarding the meaning of the letters “hdg” in War Thunder, you have come to the right place. War Thunder is a unique war game that offers players tons of unique military vehicles. Likewise, the game also implements useful gameplay mechanics that make the game more engaging for players. There are also tons of unique terms as well as phrases that refer to these game elements. Knowing what all these mean can be very useful. This article is therefore regarding what does hdg means in War Thunder.
Going to the main topic of this article, you can find out all the information you need regarding the meaning of the letters “hdg” in a game like War Thunder by reading below.
What does hdg mean in War Thunder?
The letters “hdg” in the game simply refers to a shorthand way of saying the term “heading”. Likewise, it is a very common way of saying heading in this game. It is measured in degrees and also simply refers to your compass. Players can use this as means of navigating when flying as well as driving. Players can access this useful navigating compass in the virtual cockpit of a vehicle. Not having some form of assisting navigation mechanic can make the game relatively more difficult. Therefore, players can simply utilize this heading mechanic in the compass to assist their navigation.
In the game’s HUD when inside any of the military vehicles, players can view different statistics as well as compasses. Likewise, all these have unique abbreviations within the game’s HUD, or cockpit user interface. These unique statuses in the game’s HUD include THR, IAS, ALT, CNN, FUEL, OIL, ENGN as well as HDG. Thus, players can make use of all of these statuses when navigating as well as during battles. Understanding what all these statuses in the HUD mean as well as taking them into account can give players an advantage.
This was an article regarding the meaning of the letter “HDG” in War Thunder. You can also check out another article on the game by clicking here.