Crashing issues are quite common in online games like Tower of Fantasy. Therefore, knowing how to resolve such issues can be very useful. This article is therefore regarding some fixes as well as workarounds for Tower of Fantasy Crashing at launch issue.
Tower of Fantasy Crashing at launch: Fixes & Workarounds –
Here are some of the fixes as well as workarounds that you can follow to resolve the issue –
Restart your system –
A very simple fix is to launch the game after a fresh reboot. Some inconsistent bugs, as well as glitches, may be the cause of crashes at launch. Likewise, background running apps may also cause interruptions that result in crashes. Therefore, it is a good idea to launch the game again after a fresh boot-up of your system.
Verify the game’s files –
Missing game files as well as other issues with the game’s files may also be the cause of crashing issues. Therefore, you can perform a file integrity check to resolve crashing issues. In order to do this, you can follow the steps below –
- First and foremost, you have to launch the Steam client and go to your game Library.
- Next up, you have to locate Tower of Fantasy from your library and right-click on it.
- Then, you have to select Properties and go to the Local Files tab.
- Now, you have to click on the “Verify integrity of game cache…” option.
- Finally, you have to wait for the file integrity check process to complete.
Give administrator permissions to the game –
Permission issues may also result in crashes. Thus, giving the administrator permission to the game can resolve crashes. In order to do this, you have to follow the steps below –
- First and foremost, you have to right-click on the Tower of Fantasy icon on your desktop.
- Then, you have to select Properties and go to the Compatibility tab.
- Now, you have to check the Run this program as Administrator box.
- Finally, you have to click Apply.
Add “GameUserSettings.ini” folder to the game’s configuration –
- First and foremost, you have to search for the “%appdata%” directory in your local drive.
- Next up, you have to go to the “Local” folder within the “AppData” folder.
- Then, you have to go to the “Hotta” folder and find the “Saved” folder within it.
- Now, you have to go into the “Config” folder and click on the “WindowsNoEditor”.
- After going into the “WindowsNoEditor” folder, you have to double-click on the empty space, and hover your pointer over “New”. Then, you have to select “Text Document.”
- You have to type in both “[D3DRHIPreference]” and “bPreferD3D12InGame=False” into the blank text document.
- Finally, you have to save the folder and set the name “GameUserSettings.ini”
Edit your system’s registry –
- First and foremost, you have to type in “registry” in the Windows search bar.
- Next up, you have to go into the Registry Editor and type in “Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\GraphicsDrivers” in the bar at the top of the window.
- Then, you have to hit the “Enter” key. Likewise, you have to right-click in the empty space, hover over “New,” and select “DWORD (32-bit) Value.”
- Now, you have to edit the DWORD Value. You have to set the name to “TdrLevel” and use “0” as “Value data.”
- Finally, you have to select “Hexadecimal” as your “Base.”
Bypass the game through your Windows firewall and temporarily disable your antivirus –
It is a good idea to add the game as an exception on your Windows firewall. Likewise, antivirus software may also restrict the game’s launch. Therefore, you may disable your antivirus before launching the game.
Update your Graphics driver –
A workaround you can also follow is to download and install the latest update for your GPU. Otherwise, you can always roll back to a previous driver version in case of issues with the latest one.
This was an article regarding some fixes as well as workarounds for the Tower of Fantasy Crashing at launch issue. You can always keep up-to-date with Digistatement for the latest game news as well as guides.