For years, the Shin Megami Tensei series has remained a popular adventure RPG series on Nintendo Switch. The latest title in the series, Shin Megami Tensei V Vengeance, came out on June 14th, 2024. This new title has already turned heads as it introduced a significant shift from Switch-exclusivity. Now players on all platforms can enjoy this RPG title as they please. While the gameplay has been a little choppy at times, especially with stuttering issues, overall it’s been a great experience. Get involved in a devastating battle between angels and demons in the decimated city of Tokyo as you play through the game. Anyway, if you’re interested in knowing the canon name of the protagonist in Shin Megami Tensei V Vengeance, keep reading this article to find out!
If you have played Shin Megami Tensei III Nocturne, you must be aware that the protagonists in these games often have a canon name. This made the players excited to find out if the protagonist of Shin Megami Tensei V Vengeance has a canon name as well. We understand how exciting that might be, so we’re here to help! So, without further ado, let’s get down to it and find the canon name of the protagonist in Shin Megami Tensei V Vengeance.
Shin Megami Tensei V Vengeance Protagonist Canon Name
Before we dive deep into the topic, what you have to understand first is that when you start the game, you get introduced to the nameless protagonist, Nahobino. This is the main protagonist in both Shin Megami Tensei V and Shin Megami Tensei V Vengeance. Nahobino is a high school student, who was mistakenly transported to Da’at, and was fused with another character named Aogami to become a singular entity. In SMT5 and SMT5-V, you can, of course, name the protagonist as you see fit. But that still doesn’t answer the question – does this character have a canon name? Let’s find out!
Canon Name for Nahobino
Now, if you’re afraid that you’re missing out on good content because you don’t know the canon name of the character, we can assure you that it’s not the case. As of the latest knowledge, Atlus hasn’t revealed a canon name for the protagonist of Shin Megami Tensei V Vengeance. Now, it’s not official, but the closest thing we have to the canon name of this character is Kei Amemura. What makes us say so? Well, two reasons, really. Firstly, this is the name that you automatically get if you loaded a save in SMT5 where the naming process was skipped. Furthermore, according to the Megami Tensei wiki, this is the name that was given to the protagonist in the debug menu of the localized version of the game. However, this is only true for the English version of the game. In the Japanese version, the character name only shows as “Shujinko”, meaning “Protagonist”.
So yes, if you’re trying to find out the canon name of the protagonist of SMT5-V, there’s nothing official yet. Now, just like other SMT titles, the developers might add a canon name after a while. If that happens, we’ll make sure to update this article accordingly. Until then, stay tuned to DigiStatement for more such gaming content and news!