Released on July 25, 2023, Remnant 2 is the sequel to 2019’s Remnant: From the Ashes. Gunfire Games returns as the development studio behind the game once again, and this time too, they have made an amazing game. Critics and fans alike are praising Remnant 2 left and right, and we couldn’t agree more. Remnant 2 improves a lot upon the first one’s mistakes while also adding tons of progression and featuring some of the best build variety. However, some players seem to be reporting issues related to sound/audio during their play sessions.
Like visuals, sound is pretty important in video games. Imagine playing games like The Last of Us or Uncharted 4 without audio. The whole impact of the story will be lost without in-game sounds. Well, the same has been encountered by players of Remnant 2, as they have reported facing no sound issues where the in-game audio isn’t working as intended. That’s why we have featured this guide, which will hopefully get rid of this issue for good.
Remnant 2 No Sound/Audio Not Working Issue: Is there any fix yet
As of writing this guide, players have yet to get an official fix for this issue. That’s why we suggest you follow the potential workarounds mentioned here one by one and see if any of them help you resolve this issue.
Restart Remnant 2 –
Let’s start with some basic troubleshooting. Restarting should be the first choice when it comes to fixing any kind of issue. Games are not perfect, and sometimes they can do unexpected things. Restarting tends to solve most of those problems. However, if this doesn’t work, then go ahead and try the next workaround.
Check volume mixer –
Since this is a sound-related issue, you should check your volume mixer. You can do so by right-clicking on the Speaker icon located in the bottom right corner of your taskbar and selecting “Open volume mixer“. In the new window, you will see everything related to sound/audio. Under the Apps section, you will notice Remnant 2 and every other app/game that’s currently running. If, by chance, Remant 2 has its audio set to 0 on the 0-100 scale, fix it by sliding the scale to 100.
Select the correct audio device –
Selecting the correct audio device is also important. To do that, click on the Speaker icon once again, but this time select Sound Settings. Under Output, you will see the option – Choose where to play sound. Select Speaker and see if the issue still persists.
Set your sound sample rate to 24Bit 48K Hz –
One of the reasons behind this issue could be that the sound sample rate of your primary audio device is set to 16-bit 44100/48000 Hz rather than 24-bit 44100/48000 Hz. You can fix that by going to Control Panel > Hardware and Sound > Sound. A new Sound mini window will appear now. Select your audio device and right–click on it to select Properties. Head over to the Advanced tab and set the default format to: 24-Bit 44100 Hz/48000 Hz. Click on Apply and OK.
Turn off Spatial Sound –
Players can also try turning off spatial sound to deal with this particular issue. All you need to do is follow the previous workaround steps until the new Sound mini window appears. Now, right-click on your primary audio device and select Properties > Spatial Sound. Here, you must make sure that the Spatial Sound Format setting is set to Off.
Disable Oculus/voice meeter –
This workaround will also follow the previous workaround’s steps until the new Sound mini window appears. Now, in the mini window under the Playback tab, if you find Oculus or voice meteer, disable them by right–clicking them and choosing Disable. You can do the same under the Recording tab. Furthermore, go to Device Manager and expand the Sound, video, and game controllers option. Disable all other devices except for the one your PC is using. Do not, in any case, disable the one named – Realtek(R) Audio or anything with the name Realtek written on it.
Disable Handsfree Telephony –
You should also try disabling Handsfree Telephony if you haven’t already. To do so, open Control Panel > Devices and Printers. Right-click on your speaker and select Properties. Next, go to the Services tab. Under Bluetooth Services, you will see four sub-options. Ignore all except for Handsfree Telephony. Uncheck that particular option. Click on Apply and OK.
Install Audio Driver –
For some reason, if you have your audio driver uninstalled, you will face this issue. So to install the audio drivers, open Device Manager and expand the Sound, video, and game controllers option. Right–click on your primary audio device to select Update Driver. You will be presented with two options: Search automatically for drivers or Browse my computer for drivers. We recommend you go with the former.
Update Windows –
Additionally, updating Windows is also a good idea. Plus, if you are behind on your Windows updates, then you should go ahead and update it.
Verify game files –
Steam and Epic Games have this amazing feature that you can use to find out if the game has missing files or not. Well, missing files could be a reason why this issue is occurring. To start, open Steam/Epic Games Launcher and head straight to Library. Look for Remnant 2 there, and right-click on it. Now, if you are on Steam, select Properties > Choose Local Files > Verify the integrity of game files. However, if you are on EGS Launcher, select the Manage option and then the Verify option. Once the process is complete, launch the game and check whether the in-game audio is restored.
With that said, we hope that the provided workarounds were able to fix the issue for you. For more guides on Remnant 2 and other titles, check out DigiStatement. Also, read: Remnant 2 Multiplayer Not Working Issue: Is There Any Fix Yet?