Pokemon Go is a pokemon game developed for Mobile with an emphasis on the availability and ease of finding and training Pokemon. It is a rare game where you can cross the regional barrier imposed in the mainline games and find pokemon from every region and every version of Pokemon to date. It is a game where the battles and training of Pokemon are different from the mainline games with the Pokemon in Pokemon Go not having game-breaking moves that can destroy the opponent in a few hits. In this article, we are going to be taking a look at Pokemon Go Keldeo Release Date: When it will be available.
Pokemon Go developers are very selective with which Pokemon they introduce to the game and how powerful that pokemon is when it is bought into the game. If the developers think that the Pokemon is too powerful or too broken to add to the game, they will wait and redevelop the pokemon to fit the core mechanics of Pokemon Go before releasing it into the game for players to find and catch. There are still pokemon from various regions that are receiving this special treatment and are not in the game yet.
Pokemon Go Keldeo Release Date: When it will be available?
Keldeo is a Water/ Fighting type pokemon that at first glance does not seem to have any game-breaking moves. The most likely reason for the developers to delay the launch of this pokemon in Pokemon Go is that it is a Mythical Pokemon and the developers like making a fuss of mythical pokemon. It is possible that they will decide to have a season-wide event or some sort of commemoration for the launch of this pokemon because it is a mythical pokemon. That aside, it is likely it is getting a minor rework by the developers and will be ready for launch soon.
The developers will probably release this pokemon in late 2022 or in early 2023 with a special event or make it the season’s feature. It would not be uncommon for the developers to do this since they have already made a big deal out of other mythical pokemon. There is yet to be an announcement from the developers confirming this, however. With the next generation of Pokemon games coming up, the developers will want to release most of the pokemon that are almost ready to be introduced to Pokemon Go since the next generation will bring with it new pokemon that will require the developers’ time and effort.
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