Pokemon Go players can rejoice as Elite TM is now live in the game. Under Season 1 of GO Battle League, players can have a single Elite TM. The official description of the Elite TMs state the following : It will be able to teach a Pokemon exclusive moves, such as Community Day moves and raid-exclusive moves. Unlike to normal TMs, Elite TM allows you to choose move that you want your Pokemon to learn means it is not random. But, players are required to reach Rank 7 or higher in GO Battle League to get it. Elite TMs are quite rare too.
- Elite Fast TM – This Technical Machine lets you choose a Fast Attack to teach to a Pokémon
- Elite Charge TM – This Technical Machine lets you choose a Charged Attack to teach to a Pokémon
A Pokemon Go trainer, & Reddit user, kanaanmeister, has also shared the mechanics of this newly introduced feature in a short video. You can have a look at it down below.
Elite TM is live for @PokemonGoApp (Vid credits : kanaanmeister) pic.twitter.com/QlOECQIcVu
— DigiStatement (@DigiStatement_) April 25, 2020
A Redditor named nianticsucksbooty has shared the list of moves that can be obtained via Elite TM. Have a look at it down below.
Alakazam: Counter, Dazzling Gleam, Psychic
Ampharos: Dragon Pulse
Arcanine: Bite, Bull Doze
Articuno: Hurricane
Beedrill: Bug Bite
Blastoise: Hydro Cannon
Blaziken: Stone Edge, Blast Burn
Breloom: Grass Knot
Butterfree: Bug Bite
Charizard: Ember, Wing Attack, Blast Burn, Flamethrower
Charmeleon: Scratch
Clefable: Pound
Cleffa: Body Slam, Psychic
Cloyster: Blizzard
Coballion: Sacred Sword
Dewgong: Ice Shard, Aqua Jet, Icy Wind
Dodrio: Air Cutter
Doduo: Swift
Dragonite: Dragon Pulse, Draco Meteor
Eevee: Body Slam, Last Resort
Ekans: Gunk Shot
Electrode: Tackle
Elekid: Thunderbolt
Empoleon: Hydro Cannon
Espeon: Last Resort
Exeggutor: Zen Headbutt
Farfetch’d: Cut
Fearow: Twister
Feraligatr: Water Gun, Hydro Cannon
Flareon: Last Resort, Heat Wave
Flygon: Earth Power
Gallade: Synchronoise
Gardevoir: Synchronoise
Gastly: Sucker Punch, Ominous Wind
Gengar: Lick, Sludge Wave, Dark Pulse, Psychic
Glaceon: Last Resort
Graveler: Rock Slide
Golbat: Ominous Wind
Gyarados: Dragon Tail, Dragon Pulse
Haunter: Lick
Hitmonchan: Rock Smash, Brick Break
Hitmonlee: Stomp, Brick Break
Hypno: Psyshock
Igglybuff: Body Slam
Infernape: Blast Burn
Jigglypuff: Body Slam, Play Rough
Jolteon: Last Resort
Jynx: Pound, Ice Punch
Kabutops: Fury Cutter
Kangaskhan: Stomp, Brick Break
Kingdra: Water Gun
Kingler: Mud Shot
Lapras: Ice Shard, Ice Beam, Dragon Pulse
Leafeon: Last Resort
Lickilicky: Body Slam
Lickitung: Body Slam
Machamp: Karate Chop, Submission, Stone Edge
Machoke: Cross Chop
Machop: Low Kick
Magby: Flamethrower
Mamoswine: Ancient Power
Meganium: Frenzy Plant
Meowth: Body Slam
Metagross: Meteor Mash
Mewtwo: Psystrike, Shadow Ball, Hyper Beam
Mewtwo-Armored: Psystrike
Moltres: Sky Attack
Muk: Lick
Nidoking: Fury Cutter
Ninetales: Ember, Flamethrower, Fire Blast
Omanyte: Rock Tomb, Brine
Omastar: Rock Throw, Rock Slide
Onix: Rock Slide, Iron Head
Parasect: Bug Bite
Persian: Night Slash
Pidgeot: Wing Attack, Air Cutter
Pikachu: Present, Surf, Thunder (Pikachu Libre cannot learn these)
Pinsir: Submission
Politoed: Earthquake
Poliwhirl: Scald
Poliwrath: Submission
Porygon: Tackle, Zen Headbutt, Signal Beam, Psybeam, Discharge
Primeape: Karate Chop, Cross Chop
Ponyta: Fire Blast
Raichu: Thunder
Rapidash: Ember
Rhydon: Megahorn
Rhyperior: Rock Wrecker
Salamence: Outrage
Sandshrew: Rock Tomb
Sceptile: Frenzy Plant
Scyther: Steel Wing, Bug Buzz
Seadra: Blizzard
Seaking: Poison Jab, Drill Run, Icy Wind
Seel: Water Gun, Aqua Jet
Shedinja: Struggle Bug
Slaking: Body Slam
Smoochum: Frost Breath
Snorlax: Yawn
Spearow: Twister
Starmie: Tackle
Suicune: Hidden Power
Swampert: Hydro Cannon
Tangela: Power Whip
Togepi: Zen Headbutt
Togetic: Zen Headbutt, Steel Wing
Torterra: Frenzy Plant
Typhlosion: Blast Burn
Tyranitar: Smack Down
Umbreon: Last Resort
Vaporeon: Last Resort
Venomoth: Bug Bite
Venusaur: Frenzy Plant
Voltorb: Signal Beam
Weepinbell: Razor Leaf
Zapdos: Thunder Shock
Zubat: Sludge Bomb
Elite TM in Raid Battles