Peach Boy Riverside is a well-known shonen manga series created and illustrated by the mangaka that goes by the name of Coolkyousinnjya, who is well-known for series like “Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid”, “I Can’t Understand What My Husband Is Saying”, and “Komori-san Can’t Decline”. The popularity of this manga series that first began in 2008 led to the creation of an anime series animated by the Tokyo-based Asahi Production and directed by Shigeru Ueda. In this article, we will be talking about the prospect of a Peach Boy Riverside video game being developed and when it could possibly be coming out. Right, let’s get straight into it.
The plot of Peach Boy Riverside follows Saltorine Aldike, also known as Sari, who is a cheerful and bored princess who wants to leave her castle in the countryside to go on an adventure. Her castle and kingdom are attacked by demons called Oni, and she and her kingdom are saved by a traveller named Kibitsu Mokoto, another main character of the series. She uses a mysterious Peach Eye to kill the Oni, and this is an integral part of the storyline, as the duo navigates through a rapidly changing magical world.
On August 7, 2020, an anime series adaptation in the universe of Peach Boy Riverside was announced. So far, only one episode has been released, it came out on July 1, 2021, and was titled “The Ex-Princess and the Harefolk”. There are two versions of the anime series, with one rearranging the chronology of events for effect, and the other, available only in Japan, following the original sequence of the plot of Peach Boy Riverside’s manga.
Seeing as the anime is currently seeing new episodes released every week, the popularity of Peach Boy Riverside is quite high at the moment. It seems like an opportune moment for the owners to the rights of Peach Boy Riverside to pick up a video game studio and announce a Peach Boy Riverside game. Let’s hope we can play a Peach Boy Riverside game around 2024.
We hope you enjoyed this article on the potential Peach Boy Riverside game. Make sure to check out our other articles on Dead or Alive 7, Control 2, and the various Fortnite crossovers.