The Monster Hunter franchise is a fantasy role-playing game series that has been in mainstream media attention since 2004, and the spin-off series of Monster Hunter Stories allowing players to take up the mantle of a rider instead of a hunter. The spin-off series also introduced several other new mechanics and features, including the ability to hatch eggs, customizing the appearance of monsters, and battling alongside them. In this article, we will be taking a look at everything that we know about Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin and whether it could feature cross-play at launch.
Nintendo first revealed the game in September of 2020 at the Nintendo Direct Mini: Partner Showcase and in the subsequent days, it was revealed by Nintendo that the game will feature some sort of a cross-compatibility with Monster Hunter Rise, the sixth mainline instalment to the core Monster Hunter series. While it is not clear how exactly this cross-compatibility will work as of now, there is a good chance that the newly introduced multiplayer mode of the game.
Seeing as we are just a few weeks away from the scheduled release date of July 9th, 2021, and there is nothing yet from the developer, Campcom, about any sort of cross-play between the two platforms that the game will be coming out on, namely Nintendo Switch and Windows PCs. If indeed there are any plans of implementing the ability to play with other users of the game across the world playing from different platforms.
The plot of the game sees the player take control of an ancestor of one of the most well-known riders ever, Red. Rathalos have started disappearing from across the world, and the player comes across a white-haired wyverian girl, Ena, who has an extremely rare and precious Rathalos egg. The Ratahlos that emerges from it is small and flightless with tiny black wings and is destined to bring ruin to the world. It is this seemingly harmless creature that the game has been named after.
We hope you enjoyed this coverage of Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin, make sure to check out our other articles on the upcoming Forza Motorsport 8, Demon Slayer Hinokami Keppuutan, and F1 2022. Cheers!