Mom is an American sitcom that started on September 23, 2013, on CBS. It is created by Chuck Lorre, Eddie Gorodetsky and Gemma Baker. It is a story about a single independent mother (Christy Plunkett). She is a drug and an alcoholic addict but reaching a turning point in her life she wants to get over that bad habit of hers and she finally decides to restart her life. She plans to shift to Napa, California’s wine country so that she could work hard and improve herself and her life. There is one strange thing about her life that even her mother(Bonnie Plunkett) is a drug addict and she is also recovering from that. But her mother has a healthy romantic relationship with her fiance. But her life goes from lots of ups and downs. Christy is further challenged by her relationships with her own kids. Loads of arguments…certain disagreements and many more.
Even her daughter(Violet) is engaged to a man who is twice her age..and her son( Roscoe) who is just ten-year-old lives with his father. Apart from the hardships of life and the tantrums that life throws at her she tries to stay sober and rely on her support system AA. Christy in all these situations always tries to remain positive always and try to overcome her past as soon as possible
Mom Season 7 Episode 17 Release Date
This episode is going to be released on 5th March 2020. And the episode is named “Beef Baloney Dan and The Hot Zone. Episode Is about 40 mins.
Talking about the Promo::
In the promo, we saw that Bonnie suspects that Adam’s sponsor has an ulterior motive. And on the other side, Christy is caught in the middle when Tammy is playing hard to get with chef Rudy. This is all that we saw in the promo for the upcoming episode. To know further details we have to wait for the episode to go on air and watch it.
Stay tuned!!