Mars Red is a recently run anime series that is an adaptation of a stage reading play written by Bun-O Fujisawa. It ran from April 6, 2021, and its thirteenth and final episode was aired on June 29, 2021. The plot follows a new division of the Japanese army named Code Zero that was created to combat the increasing threat of vampires in the world and the new artificial source of blood named Ascra that they were using to take over the world. Both the anime and the stage play are set in 1923, after the First World War. In this article, we will be taking a look at the possibility of a Mars Red video game being developed and when its potential release date could be. Right, let’s get straight into it.
Yomiuri TV Enterprise announced the anime adaptation (in collaboration with Funimation) of the already well-known stage reading play on the occasion of its 50th anniversary. Seeing as Yomiuri was a subsidiary of the largest media conglomerate in Japan, the Mars Red anime was very well-made not only due to its high budget but also its renowned veteran director, Kouhei Hatano.
A manga adaption of Mars Red anime is currently being released in the Monthly Comic Garden magazine and has Junichi Fujisaku, who was involved in the anime, as the main writer. The first issue of the manga was released on January 4, 2020. It is still yet to catch up to where the anime series of Mars Red left off, and there is every possibility that when this happens, the second season of the anime will, in turn, serve to catch up on the plot of the manga, and so on.
Seeing as the manga is currently being published, and a possible second season of the anime is on the cards, this could be the perfect time for a video game adaptation for the PlayStation, Xbox, and PC. Let’s hope we get to see this game around 2023 or early 2024.
There is also an upcoming smartphone game named MARS RED: Kawataredoki no Uta coming later this year, showing the showrunner’s interest in expanding to the video game industry.
We hope you enjoyed this article on the potential Mars Red video game. Make sure to check out our other articles on Dead or Alive 7, Control 2, and the various Fortnite crossovers.