We are all fond of playing battle royal games and why not? They picture a perfect gaming experience on our devices. Our obsession with this type of multiplayer online shooter game starts from the era of call of duty and counter strike. People are playing games like PUBG and Fortnite which have their roots that originated from old vintage games like counterstrike. Apex legends and valorant are two of the most trending first-person shooter game that has overshadowed the industry. Today, we will see is Valorant safe for kids.
While Valorant is making profits by supplying premium gaming experience, it might be somehow offending to parents for certain reasons. Games are meant to be fun. Everything is alright until it’s overdone. But Valorant keep a tight check on its violence.
Is Valorant safe for KIDS ?
It has mild violence and the combat graphics are toned down. There are not many blood works involved, but the online community is toxic. The graphic quality for grenades and other combat equipment is satisfying to see. You can face harassment and even toxic friendships may end up in ruins. But that is a common issue in every online multiplayer game.
It has in-game currency, so kids can learn the essence of spending assets and learn lessons from it. Some mild cuss words are used but they might not hamper the kid’s mind. Blood effects can be erased by applying some settings which are easy to toggle. But the game is addictive and can end up addicting your child. As the game is very fast-paced, it can result in intense situations. The positive impact is that your child can develop fast reflexes and quick thinking capabilities.
Though the game has some minor loopholes, this game does not pose a threat to your child. You can also know more about Valorant from their Twitter Handle. It is best to keep your child away from the reach of toxic chats and online communication. You should also keep in check the number of microtransactions that your child is doing in the game. These transactions cost real money to purchase the in-game currency.