In-game text chat, as well as voice chat, are important features in every online multiplayer game. Likewise, communication is essential in most online multiplayer matches to be effective. Rocket League requires players to team up with other players in matches. Thus, having the ability to communicate with your teammates is important. The game features both text chat as well as voice chat communication. Although text chat communication is very useful for chatting with other players, typing during matches can be distracting. Knowing how to use voice chat is more intuitive. This article is therefore regarding the steps on how to turn on Voice Chat in Rocket League.
How to Turn on Voice Chat in Rocket League?
Here are the required steps –
1) First and foremost, you have to simply launch the game and go to the game’s main menu. Likewise, you can also simply pause the game and go to the Options during a match.
2) Next up, you have to go to the game’s Settings. In the game’s Settings, you have to go to the Chat tab. Under the Chat tab, you can find settings that you can change for Text chat as well as Voice chat.
3) Then, you have to go over to the Voice Chat Settings and go to the Enable Voice Chat option. You have to turn this option on. After doing so, you have to go to the Voice Chat Mode. You can find the different voice chat modes including Open Mic, Push to Talk as well as Toggle Mode. Likewise, you have to select the Open Mic mode. This is necessary to be able to chat freely in the game without having to press a button to chat.
4) Additionally, it is also important to make sure that your mic volume is turned up enough. This is necessary so that other players can hear you in the game. You can also set the option for Voice Chat Channel in the game.
This was an article regarding the steps on how you can turn on the option for your voice chat in Rocket League. After learning the above steps, you can keep up-to-date with Digistatement for other game news as well as guides.