If you are looking for information regarding the steps on how you can go into first-person perspective in Grand Theft Auto V, you have come to the right place. Grand Theft Auto V is a game that has a massive amount of in-game content. Likewise, there are options in the game that allow you to enhance your overall gameplay experience. One such unique feature in the game is the ability to switch perspectives. This article is therefore regarding how to go into the first person in GTA 5.
Going to the main topic of this article, you can find out all the information you need regarding the steps on how you can get into the first-person perspective in Grand Theft Auto V by reading below.
How to go into first person in GTA 5 –
For PlayStation 4 –
You can simply switch to the first-person perspective from the third-person perspective by pressing the touchpad.
For Xbox One –
You can easily switch to the game’s first-person perspective by pressing the Select button on the controller.
For PC –
You can simply press the V key on your computer’s keyboard to switch between the first-person perspective and the third-person perspective modes.
There are also some additional customizations that you can use in the game’s settings. Likewise, these settings allow you to switch perspectives in specific cases.
Additional settings for first-person perspective in Grand Theft Auto V –
- You can also go to the game’s Options and select Settings. In the game’s display settings, you can activate “Allow Independent Camera Modes.” This is a mode in the game that allows players to use the first-person perspective normally but switch to a third-person view when entering a vehicle.
- You can also select the Controls option from the Settings menu, and toggle the switch to allow you to use a third-person view when you go for cover.
- Lastly, you also have the option to turn on the First Person Ragdoll, First Person Combat Roll, as well as the First Person Head Bobbing options in the game.
This was an article regarding the steps on how to go into the first person in Grand Theft Auto 5. You can always keep up-to-date with Digistatement for the latest game news as well as guides.