Higehiro is a romantic light novel series written by Shimesaba and illustrated by booota aimed at the male high school or middle schoolgoing demographic, with the original run of the light novel ending on June 1, 2021. The novel follows Yoshida, a 26-year old salaryman who meets Sayu Ogiwara, a teen schoolgirl who survives by seducing men ever since she ran away from home. Yoshida takes sympathy to the girl and decides to let her live at his house, albeit according to him, temporarily. Meanwhile, Yoshida is continually rejected by his longtime crush and boss at his office, Airi Goto.
The popularity of the light novel led to the creation of a manga series, whose English version will be released starting October 2021 by One Peace books. Furthermore, an anime adaptation was also created, with Crunchyroll picking up the show and making it available to viewers abroad. In this article, we will be taking a look at the possibility of a Higehiro video game being developed and when it could be coming out on the PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X, and PC. Right, let’s get straight into it then.
Considering the popularity of the various media formats that the emotionally charged and romantic story of Higehiro, there is every possibility that the owners of the franchise’s intellectual property would want to announce a video game around the time when the English manga is scheduled to release, since the search interest in the series could not be higher at any other point in its life, seeing as the light novel has ended and left no more source material for the anime and manga to use once they have completed around ten episodes.
Let’s hope we get to see a Higehiro video game around 2023 or early 2024 for our PS5s, Xbox Series Xs, and PCs.
We hope you enjoyed this coverage of the potential Higehiro game. Make sure to check out our other articles on the Mars Red game, the Peach Boy Riverside game, and the potential Desperados 4. Cheers!