While Bethesda did not confirm Fallout 5 release date as of yet, Fallout being one of if not the most successful franchise from Bethesda, it is highly likely that Fallout 5 is in its development. After its huge success with Doom: Eternal and Elder Scrolls VI they might return to their bestseller franchise.
Fallout 5-Expectations
The latest entry in Fallout series was Fallout 76 in 2018 with major updates the latest being in 2020. It received a mixed reception from fans and critics alike. Since its launch – not just because of its countless bugs and glitches throughout the game – many were disappointed that 76 was an online addition rather than it being a single-player game like its predecessors. So it is technically not a core Fallout game. Even though they added the latest update which improved the game a lot but still the fans crave the tried and tested single-player game. Most of the community is expecting the game to be set in Chicago and have a story
Fallout 5- Release Date
Fallout 5 may go back to its roots and go the single player route. This will be a most welcome addition to the Fallout franchise. Fallout games have been coming out in a pattern. Fallout 3(2008) and Fallout 4(2015) were 7 years apart. Bethesda announced Fallout 4 only 4 months before its release, that might be the case this time around as well. So if the game is to come out after 7 years i.e., in 2022 it might be announced in late 2021.
Fallout 5- Game of the new Generation
Fallout 5 will be supported on the latest generation of hardware i.e., PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, and of course PC. Microsoft is paying $7.5 billion to acquire game maker ZeniMax Media, the parent company of gaming studios such as Bethesda. We might even get a PC/Xbox Exclusive. The game may also use the latest technology of ray-tracing (RTX) and high-end graphics.