Dragon Ball Z: Kararot is the latest entry in the Dragon Ball video game franchise. Unlike other previous Dragon Ball Games, it is going to take us on an adventure and shed light on the events which occurred between the epic fights of Dragon Ball Z.
The game was released on January 17 for PC, PS4, and Xbox One. Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot has been well received by fans and has been praised by everyone.
Coming to now, a patch has gone live for Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot and it has brought some new content to the game. The latest patch has fixed issues with two Sub-Story which includes the following : Telekinesis Training & Goten’s Growth.
The latest update of Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot has also fixed the issue with load times while traveling between areas. For Xbox One users, it has also resolved the issue where users go straight to the title screen without viewing the opening cinematic playing. The new patch comes with version 1.04. You can check complete patch notes below.
Patch version 1.04 is now live and available across all platforms.
- Reduced load times when traveling from one area to another
- Issue where players were unable to accept the Sub-Story “Telekinesis Training” (Saiyan Arc Episode 3), if they saved and loaded their Save Data after fighting Tien.
- Issue that caused the Main Story icon to not be displayed if you save and load your Save Data after clearing the Main Story “The Longest Three Hours” (Saiyan Arc Episode 5).
- Issue where Chi Chi cannot be found on the field if you accept the Sub Story “Goten’s Growth” (Buu Arc Episode 1) and clear the Main Story without completing the Sub Story.
- Issue that caused Characters related to the Main or Sub Story to not appear, if that specific character is already found within the field as a Villainous Enemy.
- (Only for XboxOne) Issue where users where users would go straight to the Title Screen without viewing the Opening Cinematic.