Dota underload has been in beta for the past eight months, but soon the game is leaving the beta as Valve has announced the game’s release date. Dota Underload season 1 is set to release on February 25, 2020. Apart from this, Valve has released the full patch notes of season 1 highlighting the changes and a new character named Enno.
Check the full patch notes below:
Dota Underlords Season 1 Patch Notes
Added Enno
- A ranged menace, Enno leaps around the board poisoning enemies and generally wreaking havoc.
- Enno will be one of the four Underlord options available at the end of Round 1 in Knockout and at the end of Round 9 in Standard and Duos game modes. One of two Enno builds (detailed below) will be randomly presented.
- Passive Skill – Escape Artist
- Once per combat, when dropping below 25/50/75% health, Enno escapes in a cloud of smoke, reappearing elsewhere on the board, stunning adjacent enemies for 1.5 seconds.
- Build 1 – Healin’ n’ Stealin’!
- Dr. Enno’s Soothing Balm: Enno leaps into the air and shoots a poison dart at up to 2-5 enemies that are within 3 cells, applying a stack of Poison and healing adjacent allies for 15-60 per stack.
- Yoink!: Enno steals the lowest tier item from the enemy crew at the start of combat. Whenever an enemy dies in Enno’s attack range, he loots them if they have a better item equipped. All items return to their original owners at the end of combat.
- Build 2 – Rabid Furball
- Death Spin: Enno leaps into the air and shoots a poison dart at up to 2-5 enemies that are within 3 cells, applying a stack of Poison and dealing 20-55 physical damage per stack.
- All Out Attack!: Enno lassos the enemy team and launches an All Out Attack! dealing 50-225 physical damage, applying 5 stacks of Poison and displacing them into a random cell.
Added a new status effect, Poisoned. Poisoned units take 15 physical damage per second and healing is reduced by 10% for 5 seconds. Poison effects can stack up to 5 times.
- Improved lighting used by the Underlords.
- Fixed issues with low resolution textures on the Underlords on mobile.
- Further fixes to the map not loading when starting a match.
- Fixed an issue where a dead unit on a cell could prevent a live unit from being selected.
- Fixed wrong rank icon sometimes being displayed on the post-match screen.
- Fixed more places where an Underlord’s base ability icon or name would be shown, rather than the version of that ability used by the Underlord build.
- Added more pizzazz to the Underlord picker.
- Target Buddy has begrudgingly put away his holiday hat, since it’s apparently “not the season” anymore.
- Jull: fixed Barrels of Fun barrels hitting Spiderlings.
- Hobgen: fixed enemy Spiderlings causing other enemies to take decreased damage from Implosion and Shockwave.
- Venomous Gale:
- Now applies poison to its targets.
Blade Mail:
- Fixed bonus armor error in description.
Orb of Venom:
- Instead of applying damage, Orb of Venom now applies poison.
- Brute: Fixed an issue where Brutes could switch targets mid-swing.