Doctor Who is a British science-fiction television show produced by the BBC. The show revolves around the adventures of a Time Lord, our protagonist called ‘The Doctor’, who is an extraterrestrial being from the planet Gallifrey, who appears in a normal human form. The Doctor travels through the universe in a time-traveling ship called the TARDIS which appears as a blue British police box. The Doctor combats several foes while helping many people in need. Thirteen actors have headlined the series as the Doctor through the run of the program. The Doctor is currently portrayed by Jodie Whittaker.
Season 12 Episode 9 Release Date:
Doctor Who Season 12 Episode 9 is to air on 23 February 2020. The episode is titled, ‘Ascension of the Cybermen’.
In the episode 8 of the season we get to see how the Doctor is faced with a situation where she had very few good options left and she had to choose the one she thought was best to save the 19th century crisis. But, it seems she just fell into the neatly woven trap by the Lone Cyberman and now as a result of her choice we see the beginning of the Cyber War.
In the coming episode we are to see how the battle between the Hyman race and the Cyberman starts and how the doctor intervenes and saves the day. Or does she succumb to the dangerous tricks of the Cybermen?