In the world of Dinkum, there are various lifeforms that you can hunt to earn a quick buck, and the fly is one of them. Dinkum is one of the immersive life farming sims that features tons of content and activities and takes cues from Animal Crossing and Stardew Valley. If you’re tired of engaging in random quests and would like something fun and chill in the game, catching flies can be fun and is a great way to spend time and earn money as well. If you’ve just got the game and are wondering how to catch the fly, we have mentioned every step that you can follow to do so. Continue reading the article to know how to catch fly in Dinkum.
Purpose of a fly in Dinkum
There are various natural habitats of animals and insects in Dinkum that can be caught by having proper gear in hand and the fly is simply one of the insects that fall under that category. If you’re looking for the best alternative to earn money in Dinkum, catching flies and selling them to John is a good idea. However, like every activity that can be performed in the game, you’ll naturally gain permit points by successfully completing the objective of the game. If you’re new to Dinkum, you’ll have to take time to learn the basics and general mechanics before you can dive into the adventure that awaits you. With that being said, let’s discuss how you can catch fly in the game.
How to catch Fly in the game?
If you’re planning on catching a fly in the game for fun or to earn some quick Dinks, it is pretty simple as you’ll need one of the mandatory items called Net. It can be purchased from John, one of the NPCs that have various types of goods for players to sell. You’ll need to spend 1100 dinks to get it, and if you don’t have the money, you’ll have to grind other activities.
Once you’ve bought the net, simply roam around the island, and if you spot flies hovering around the area, catch them using the net. This concludes the guide to catching flies in Dinkum.
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