Dragon Ball Z: Kararot is the latest entry in the Dragon Ball video game franchise. Unlike other previous Dragon Ball Games, it is going to take us on an adventure and shed light on the events which occurred between the epic fights of Dragon Ball Z.
The game will release later this week on January 17 for PC, PS4, and Xbox One. But, before that details of the day one patch notes have been leaked online. The patch notes revealed update size, changes, and various additions to the game.
Full patch notes are as follows:
Version 1.01
- System Features related to bonuses.
Version 1.02
- Improved loading times
- Made it possible to travel directly to Korin Tower Summit and Capsule Corporation from the World Map.
- Added Sub Stories.
- Adjusted the entry fees of the Time Attacks ( advanced).
- Made other adjustments.
The total size of update 1.01 & 1.02 is about 11 Gb on PS4.
The patch notes are subjected to change anytime, as Bandai Namco hasn’t released them officially. For more updates, and news stay tuned.
Source: DbsHype